Chapter 9

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Rebecca woke up and yawned. She made her way to the living and looked at her phone. "10 messages from Liv? I hope she's ok " Becky said looking at the texts


Rebecca you awake 8:00

Bex 8:24

How you 8:30

Dean... You know
dean his missing 8:40

Do you know where he is? 8:45

Becky wake up! 8:48

Roman is stressing and
worried 8:54

We haven't seen dean is days! 8:57

Becca.... 9:03

Are you OK? 9:40

Becky looked at the phone and Dean walked out of his room. "what's up? " he said. "liv and the others think your missing... And Liv said Roman is stressed and worried, look" she said showing him the phone, "what should I say?" Becky asked. "tell them I went with you. because we are going back tomorrow...."dean said. "ok" Becky said and messaged back.

Don't worry Liv, I'm ok and Dean is with me

What the hell!!!

Yea um.....

Bexs, your parents are
going to be angry

yea I know I know

Deans trouble you know!!

His not trouble
His just misunderstood

Well when are you
Coming home

Tomorrow we're leaving
Paris, we should be home
In two days

PARIS!! I though
You said Australia

Ah... Ok, we went to Paris
Not Australia, ok we both
Just wanted to get away

What the hell Rebecca
We've all been worried sick
About dean, turns out he was
With you

Ok liv, I want to enjoy my
Day. Bye, have a good day
Love you ❤️


Becky sighed and put here phone on the kitchen table. "you ok?" dean asked placing a hand on Becky's shoulder. "yea... What are we going to do today?" she asked replacing her tired face with a bright smile. "Umm... Maybe let's go and watch a movie, there are some in English,here. Then go for a walk and enjoy our last day here, because tomorrow we are going to be packing and leaving" he said and smiled. "ok let's do that" she smiled and went to the shower.

Once out, she put on black leggings, knee high brown boots, a black long sleeve shirt. a red jacket and did her hair in a high ponytail, with a few loss hair in front, and applied some mascara. Dean put on a pair of dark blue jeans, a black t shirt and black shoes. Once they were done they left the hotel and went to the cinema.

*at the cinema *

"so what should we watch? "Becky asked. "um, action movie?" dean said. "hmm, yea action movie sounds nice... Which action movie tho" she asked as she took a bit of her popcorn. "something to do with shooting" dean said. "something to do with car chases" Rebecca said. "Fast and Furious!" they said at the same time and laughed. They bought tickets and took their seats right at the back, because there is a better view.

"hey we're the only ones her in the cinema " Becky pointed out." cool, now we don't have to sit with some annoying kids "dean laughed. "this is fast and furious... It's age restricted" Rebecca snorted. "yea but only for 12 and under... There's still gonna be 13 years olds" dean said. "whatever" Becky laughed and the movie began.

Half way through the movie, Becky was laughing at a funny scene. So dean looked at her, she turned her head and they made eye contacted and smiled. Dean started to lean in and so did Becky but about 20 centimeters, Dean stopped and turned to look back at the screen. Rebecca got a bit disappointed but pretended she didn't notice anything and went back to watching the movie.

After the movie they walked out into the street. And it got pretty late. "Agh I don't want to go back home" Rebecca said and huffed. "me too" dean said and he kicked a rock, then he had an idea, "hey! I have a great idea. So there's this cottage, cabin thing, that my mom used to take me to when my dad got drunk on weekends. Well when we get home, we pack our things and leave and go to the cabin " dean said with excitement. "a cabin.... Wait... Then I can quit school and do what I want to and write books " Becky said with excitement, "Oof! " Rebecca huffed as she tumbled back, "oh my God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you" she said helping the tall women that she walked into up from the ground.

"no no it's ok" the woman smiled. Becky looked at the woman, that looked oddly familiar, then it hit her "wait a sec.... I know you... Yolanda!" Rebecca said and got kinda shocked. "do I know you.... Wait.... Rebecca!!" Becky's sister was also shocked but hugged her sister, "who is this guy?" she asked gesturing to dean. "oh.... Ahh.... This is my friend Dean, Dean this his Yolanda my older sister" Rebecca said and smiled. "it's nice to meet you" Yolanda smiled. "you too" dean stood awkwardly and shook her hand. "you've changed so much, Rebecca, the hair, the cheek bones, but the shortness never changed, what brings you to Paris? " Yolanda asked. "ahh... Dean here, is teaching me how to be more reckless and spontaneous and I'm teaching him how to be more conventional and proper. So we decided to take a trip " Becky stood awkwardly. "nice, how long you staying here?" Yolanda asked. "we're leaving tomorrow night" Rebecca said and readjusted her jacket, "and what's happening with you?". "well, I am clean from OCD-"she began but got cut off by Becky. "wow sis !that's big!" Becky said excitedly and hugged Yolanda once again. "thank you, but as I said I'm clean from OCD, I'm married, his name his Kevin and I have one kid, her name is Mia, and my fashion has taken off big" Yolanda smiled at her sister and Dean, clearly proud of her success. "wow, I don't see you for 4 years and all of this happened... And I'm a aunt" Rebecca looked at Dean then at Yolanda. "yea, but here's my number,we should stay in contact. How's mom and dad?" Yolanda asked. "thank you for the number, ahh... Mom and dad are the same as they always were" Becky said swallowing a lump in her throat. "oh.... But I'll see you around Becca , and message me. Love you lil sis" Yolanda said and hugged her sister goodbye "and bye to you dean" she said with a wave and walked off. "love you to" rebecca sighed

"wow "dean said, with slight laugh. "yea wow, I'm a freaking aunt? " Becky said and Dean laughed more, "but back to what we were talking about". "yes, um... So when we get home, we pack our things and we drive to this cottage, cabin "dean said putting a arm around Becky's shoulder as they continue to walk. "I'm really liking the idea.... But what about arrow?" Rebecca asked looking up at him. "he can come with, we can take the horse transport trailer and attach it to the car" dean replied. "this is going to be awesome! I don't have to live with abusive parents anymore" Becky asked as she stood and gave him a big hug

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