Chapter 1

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She skillfully dodged the broken glass that shattered from above the sky, falling into a huge pile of crystal pieces right beside her. She had been a little unlucky, and got scratched by a glass shard on her cheek, leaving her with a nasty gash that started from her cheekbone and ended at her upper chin. But in all honesty, she looked like the luckiest girl on earth – she had escaped death by the skin of her teeth. One more second spent on the spot she was in and her body would have been destroyed by a waterfall of tiny glass pieces.

Some idiot who was playing baseball had hit the ball way too hard and it smashed onto one of the large windows of the building that she had just happened to walk below of. Not a second later, the entire window broke into many little pieces, reflecting the sunlight as it fell in such speed. Y/N had hurriedly skipped off to the side and hit a wall, to dodge the glittering glass mess. One cut her cheek.

Everyone in her college campus had stopped in their tracks and had all their eye on her. She escaped her death by a mere second.

People ran to her, carefully taking steps as to not step on the glass.

"Are you alright?!" One girl that Y/N didn't know, asked her in panic.

Some other students had surrounded her, breathing heavily and spitting her with questions that asked whether she was fine.

Y/N nodded and carefully walked with her back stuck to the wall to avoid the glass. Once she was a good distance away from the heap, a professor had come to her side ad hurriedly took her arm and guided her to the nurse's office.

"We need to get your cut treated," the professor said, a little panic evident in her voice.

Y/N lifted her hand up and caressed the still fresh gash on her cheek; red blood stained her fingers.

"You must've been scared! Thank God you moved away just in time or else who knows what could've happened!"

Scared? Was she really scared? She didn't even shiver once during the whole incidence. This incident was kind of predicted by her.

For the past three months, strange things have been happening to Y/N. She had been in multiple car accidents. Almost every day she drove to college, she had gotten injured, but barely. One accident had caused her to bang her head on her car's windshield, so hard that it stung for days. That's when she thought that just maybe, the road wasn't the place where she was the luckiest. She resolved on waking up early and walking to her college every day since then. But the string of curses still followed her.

She would either get nearly hit a by a car on the road, or poles and cement blocks from the constructions happening above buildings would magically fall from the sky and right on the spot where her head was, before she skillfully dodged of course.

It didn't stop in her home. Almost burning herself while cooking, even though she was very good cook and knew how to light a gas. Getting her head knocked on cabinets and other hard furniture so unreasonably hard that she fainted, with a huge bruise on her head, but always came back into consciousness after ten minutes or so. She once even almost drowned in her bath tub – her hair somehow got caught in the drain and she couldn't lift her head up or reach the tap that was spilling out water in unrealistic speed. She had to cut her hair off with her raiser, now her hair is uneven.

And even in school. Y/N sometimes wished she hadn't chosen to major in Chemistry. With all the chemicals that she was surrounded with, the incidents kept on coming up again and again. Her hands were infected with various burns from acids because her gloves always had something wrong with them.

Because of all these occurrences, Y/N's ability of feeling fear had dried down. She didn't blink when danger was an inch away from her face, she thought of how she could move away from it. Her life became a survival game.

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