Chapter 3

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Taehyung and Y/N walked back to her apartment in silence, the knives of cold wind cutting their skin. Taehyung kept peeking at Y/N from the corner of his eyes, but her face remained the same for the duration of the walk – cold and blank. He cleared his throat several times too, only to be ignored by her and eventually stopped trying. Y/N seemed to exist in a state of darkness as she walked on the sidewalks, and it didn't even occur to Taehyung that this could be a good opportunity to kill her. Right now, he was just too scared of her.

They reached her apartment after a distant walk and Y/N headed straight to her bedroom and laid down on her bed. Taehyung hesitantly laid down beside her, but neither did she look at him, nor acknowledge him. After a few moments, Y/N spoke up; "how was I supposed to die?"

Taehyung looked at her and slowly took out the black book. He flipped through the parchment yellow pages until he reached the page he was looking for.

"Here," Taehyung showed Y/N something that was written in rose-red ink –

'L/N Y/N

On April 23rd

Car accident on Hannam highway at 8:24pm'

"This is how you were supposed to die," Taehyung said solemnly.

"Car accident?" Y/N asked.


"Oh wow, that is a boring death!"

Taehyung looked at her, "What – you want to die because of a meteorite that clashed on earth or something?"

"Took the words right out of my mouth."

Taehyung's eyes widened. "Wait – really?"

"I have always loved space you know."

Y/N got up from the bed and rummaged through her bedside drawers, until her hands found a diary. It was a childish one, jean blue with an immature pocket at the front. She had written down her bucket list a long while back in it.

Y/N folded her legs and sat down with an excited grin on her face as she flipped through the pages of the diary that contained stupid experiences from her childhood, cartoon scribbles, her secret crushes, painful memories, every incident that tried to kill her, and finally reached the end where in big bold letters was written: BUCKET LIST.

Taehyung's lips lifted up a bit. It felt oddly nice, Y/N's cold dead expression changing into a happy little grin. It felt humanly nice.

"This is my bucket list!" she squealed.

"What is a bucket list?" Taehyung said as he sat up, looking at Y/N's diary that had been with her since she was 10 or so.

"Um, it's liked a list of things that you have always wanted to do."

"Really?" Taehyung looked at her list, "and you have always wanted to bake a cake?"

"What's wrong with that?" she huffed. "See, 'die in a meteorite crash'! Wow that has been in my bucket list for years!"

"I don't know if I can kill you like that," Taehyung thought aloud, missing the drop of expression in Y/N's face. "I could manipulate a meteorite from space and make it crash on earth, but the impact is huge and that might result in a person's death that wasn't due yet. I'm not allowed to kill someone on the wrong date, you know."

Y/N sighed and closed the diary, "Taehyung . . ."


"You don't understand human ways do you?"

"Well, no," Taehyung shrugged. "I'm not human, therefore I haven't experienced human desires or emotions."

"Yeah well, humans all have an ideal way of dying sure. But they are never fulfilled with their lives either."

Taehyung frowned, "I don't get it."

"Most of us don't die satisfied with our lives. We always wish we had more time to do things we weren't able to."

Taehyung clicked his fingers. "I see what you are saying!" He snatched Y/N's diary from her hand and showed her her bucket list. "You're saying that you won't be satisfied with your life as long you don't complete every single thing on your bucket list, right?'

Y/N smiled, and Taehyung jumped out of bed and threw his arms up in victory. "Hell yeah! I figured it out! So let's start – what's the first thing on your bucket list?"

"Not so fast Taehyung, let me tell you this straightforwardly – I will let you kill me after we finish doing all these things on my list. But I need to do one thing before we start, just to get it out of the way." Y/N slapped he body onto the bed and stretched the length of the mattress. "That will be done tomorrow, goodnight," she chirped as she coffined herself in her blanket.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!"

But Y/N had already fallen asleep (she was actually pretending). Taehyung sighed.

"Great! Now I have to wait up to tomorrow morning."


The entire night Y/N kept turning and tossing in her bed. She felt so aware of every sound that night and didn't dare blink. She didn't completely trust Taehyung yet – what if he bailed out decided to kill her while she was asleep? In no way was Y/N going to let that happen.

She had thought that Taehyung was in the living room sleeping on the couch, but actually he had gone out.

Taehyung walked on broken stones down the abandoned alley, his dark smoke intensified in the nights. He looked truly sinister, like an embodiment of evil.

He reached a corner and stopped when he saw another figure that was very closely resembling his appearance – he too was clad in black clothing, had dark eyes, black hair, pale skin and a smoky surrounding. But he was shorter than Taehyung, and his hair was much straighter.

"Did you manage to do it this time?"

"No Jimin, she is a handful."

Jimin sighed. "Three months dude! Is it really so hard to kill one little girl?"

"It freaking is! It's like her soul isn't going to accept death anytime soon! But don't worry,' I'll kill her soon – she has some stupid list of things that she wants to do so after I help her do them she told me I could kill her."

"List of things?" Jimin asked.

"Yup, it's called a 'bucket list'. And guess what? She wants to die in a meteorite crash!"

"That's . . . very creative."

"It'll be hard to cause," Taehyung ruffled his hair, "don't want anybody else dying. Also dude, do you mind taking on all my targets while I work with this girl?"

"I knew you were going to ask me that. Fine, I'll take all the killings that are yours."

"Thanks hyung, you're the best!"

The two soldiers of Death fist bumped each other and Taehyung started walking back to Y/N's apartment when Jimin's voice stopped him.

"Hey Taehyung!" he called out, "make sure you kill that girl." 

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