Chapter 11

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Y/N had come to a conclusion and stuck to it – today will be her last day. She told Taehyung that she was ready, but asked him for another day just to meet her parents and friends for the last time. He, of course agreed, and this time he didn't come along with her because he knew that she needed her personal time with her loved ones. And he wasn't concerned about Jimin trying to kill her again because by the time she had left to go meet her parents Jimin would've heard from Taehyung.

Taehyung hadn't forgotten the scene in the restaurant or forgiven his best friend. He marched towards the abandoned alley where Jimin and Taehyung would usually meet. Even in the bright morning daylight, that particular narrow alley with a cobbled pathway still had a dark doom hanging in the air, silver cobwebs which were home to the scariest spiders.

He met the older man's back, and Jimin sensed his presence. He turned around with rings of pink around his hollow eyes, pale skin and hair less straight than usual – they didn't exactly look deadly during the mornings, more like dead.

Jimin spoke in a low voice, "hey Taehyung –"

But was immediately cut off when the younger slammed him on the wall behind him and grabbed his collar, faces closing in and Jimin could see every drop of rage in his eyes. They were red and fiery.

"You tell me now why the hell did you give Y/N that drink," Taehyung spoke in a dangerous low voice through his clenched teeth. "I told you to stay away from her you bastard! Why the hell would lure her into a date and do all that crap huh? Why wouldn't you just fucking listen to me and –"

"You love her don't you?"

The softness in Jimin's voice caught Taehyung off guard and his loosened his grip on Jimin's collar, the brown returning to his eyes, the crease vanishing from his forehead. He looked at Jimin, somehow like a hopeless man trying to find an answer that was sealed within the elder's eyes. Soon his eyebrows started drooping from the corners and his breath turned uneven, Taehyung left Jimin's collar and stared down at his feet.

"No." he said, quietly, "soldiers of Death don't fall in love."

"But I think you have Taehyung," Jimin urged on. "I think you've fallen for Y/N."

Taehyung just kept quiet, looking like a child getting scolded by his father. "Are you angry?"

"I'm not angry alright?" Jimin said, caressing Taehyung's shoulder. "Tell me."

"I don't know hyung!" Taehyung sighed frustrated, he tangled his fingers violently in his wavy black her. "I hate it! Why have I started acting this way? Why have I started feeling emotions? Why have I gotten so much like a human? Am I not the one assigned to kill her? Then why can't I kill her? Why do I want her to die when I don't? Why me? Why the hell was it me who had to kill this girl? I hate the way she is so silly! I hate the way she is scared of doing things but does it anyways because 'the fear excites her'! I hate the way she is so quick at dodging anything! I hate the way she smiled at me when I caught her and saved her! I hate the way she likes to boop my nose! I hate the way she doesn't hide that scar on her cheek! I hate the way small things like sunsets make her so happy! I hate the way she climbs on the aisles to reach for an item! I hate the way she looks so beautiful all the time and I hate that she told me she loved me but I can't love her back even though I want to so badly!"

Tears were rushing down Taehyung's cheeks, his hair was a used mop on his head and his face finally displayed whatever he was feeling inside – sadness, anger, heartbreak, and grief. His back hit the fence wall behind him with a loud bang and he slid down the fence, sinking to the ground and hugging his knees. He felt so broken, it was the worst he had ever felt. He wanted to scream, but all that came out was choked sobs.

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