Chapter 6

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"How the hell did that happen?"


" . . .what do you mean it was an equipment malfunction? I could've lost my life."


"Um . . . sorry isn't going to fix anything."


Y/N held back the urge to sigh as Taehyung shouted beside her.

Not soon after Taehyung and Y/N were trying to search a way out, a few police men had spotted them with their torches. They rushed to Y/N and gave her a blanket and hot packs to warm her up. They guided her to up a steep pathway that took them to the road, Taehyung following closely. Turned out that the man at the bridge realized that Y/N's buckles had loosened. He immediately called the police and thankfully there was a police station just one corner away from the bungee jumping place, so they arrived soon.

The man was apologizing profusely to Y/N and at this point she didn't care as much because she was just thankful she made it out alive. But Taehyung wasn't letting it off the hook that easily. He kept on shouting at Y/N at what she was supposed to say to the man as the man couldn't see Taehyung, and Y/N repeated the phrases with very little enthusiasm.

"I WANT MY MONEY BACK!" Taehyung screamed with his hand fisted in front of his face.

"I want me money back . . ." Y/N repeated with tired eyes. She just wanted to go home.

After a million apologies and Taehyung shouting Y/N got her money back that she'd paid for bungee jumping and started driving back home. It was another long journey and it was hard watching Taehyung sleep (no matter how handsome he looked) while Y/N's eyes were itching for some rest. Finally they both reached to her apartment. Y/N crashed into her bed as soon as she reached her bedroom.

"Goodnight!" she yawned as she stretched.

"Oh you can go to sleep," Taehyung said as he was rolling up the sleeves of his black shirt. "I have somewhere to be."

"What? Where?"

"Just Death stuff you know. I'll be back."


Taehyung was fuming. He knew it was Jimin. He just knew it. He took heavy steps as he walked to where the abandoned old alley was – it was usually a place where Jimin and Taehyung would talk.

"Jimin hyung!" Taehyung shouted into the dark emptiness in front of him. "I fucking know you did it!"

Jimin came back from the shadows, red eyes, pale skin, and black smoke, much like Taehyung's own appearance, although Taehyung's eyes were much redder with fury.

Jimin ran his fingers through his silky straight hair. "Swearing at your hyung?" he drawled, "you've become a daredevil haven't you?"

"Why did you do that?" Taehyung said through clenched teeth. "You tried to kill Y/N didn't you?"

Jimin just shrugged, "You weren't doing your job so I tried to do it for you."

Taehyung breathed in a burst of oxygen slowly and ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. "I told you I will kill her after she has done all thing she wants to do!"

"Since when have you started to care for humans?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Remember Taehyung, our job is to kill them when the time comes, and that little human girl has already exceeded the time limit."

"It's my job to kill her hyung," Taehyung grunted, voice going deeper with every word, "so stay out of it ok."

"I'm surprised you didn't think of killing her as she was jumping down the bridge," Jimin continued, "you instead saved her when I broke the buckles."

"Because she wasn't supposed to die that way!" Taehyung exclaimed, hands flying in front of him irritated. "She doesn't want to die yet hyung! She would've survived the fall anyways!"

"Then we try again Taehyung!" Jimin yelled with as much intensity, "we are soldiers of Death, we don't care whether a human wants to die today or tomorrow, we only have one job – to kill them whenever it's meant to be. I don't get why you want to let her do the things she wants!"

"She's going to survive no matter what! Her soul isn't ready to die yet, the only way it will ever be ready is when she does the things on that list!"

"Okay then why the hell didn't you kill her when you had the opportunity to?!"

"Because she would've survived! And then lost her trust in me and cut me out of her life!"

Both of them were now a centimeter away from each other, glaring with intense red eyes. Taehyung held his fist by his side as too not punch the older.

"Why do you care if she lost her trust in you?" Jimin hissed, "are you getting attached to that human girl?"

Taehyung opened his mouth to fight back but no words came out. Has he been getting attached? He thought of him killing Y/N on the road. And he didn't like it a bit.

"You better not get sidetracked," Jimin warned, "we aren't allowed to get attached to humans. Kill her as fast as you can, otherwise I will."

Taehyung's eyes snapped to meet Jimin's, redder than before. "You better leave her alone."


Taehyung reached Y/N's apartment with heavy breaths and heavy steps. He reached her bedroom and slammed himself on his side of the bed, when he realized that he was being loud. He looked at Y/N, who's blanket was reaching her cheekbone and covered her body up to her eyes, which were wide open like a cat's staring back at Taehyung's deep black ones.

Taehyung jumped back a little. "You're still awake?"

"Mhm." Y/N shifted on her spot and the blanket fell to reveal her face – dark circles.

Taehyung noticed them – "how long have you been awake?"

"A while," she said, voice heavy with sleep.

"Go to sleep then," Taehyung urged.

But Y/N shook her head, "who knows, you may get an idea and kill me in my sleep."

That took Taehyung by surprise – he was kind of hurt by those words. "Why would I do that? Dying in your sleep isn't what you wanted, right? You wanted a grand death – a meteorite strike!" Taehyung grinned.

Y/N giggled, "so what are you going to give me that grand death?"

"Yes!" Taehyung nodded, "a beautiful purple meteorite with craters on it will come crashing onto the earth's surface and cause a huge hole. On that hole will remain the remnants of the great L/N Y/N, died by the crash of a space object!"

Y/N laughed. "Wow, I thought you weren't allowed to do that."

"I can do it," Taehyung said, "I just have to make sure I don't kill any other human in the process."

"But how will you manage that?"

"I just need a huge empty space where nobody goes and I'm good."

Y/N's eyebrow's crinkled, "are you talking about that abandoned park?"

"Yup, the one where they grew trees on the borders since no one goes there."

"That's my favourite place in the world," Y/N smiled, "I would love to die there."

"See! I'm going to give you the best death ever!" Taehyung slapped Y/N arm and laughed. "So just go to sleep alright?" he said as he pulled the blanket up to cover her body, "I'm not killing you just yet."

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