Chapter 8

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Y/N and Taehyung were cruising through the aisles of the supermarket, in search for all the ingredients necessary for baking a cake.

"Flour, butter, baking soda –"


"Taehyung stop, that's from like, 2015."

"Oh wow, humans move on fast huh?"

Y/N sighed and went back to reading the list of ingredients she had to buy. "Flour, butter, baking soda, salt, sugar, eggs, heavy cream, milk and vanilla extract."

"We have everything apart from the vanilla extract," Taehyung said as he went through the contents inside the shopping basket.

Both of them skimmed through the alleys of the market to find the vanilla extract when they finally reached a place where all the flavouring was kept. A person that Y/N didn't even know but already hated had placed the vanilla extract at the very top of the aisle and considering her height it was way beyond her reach. She hated when this happened – when an item that she wanted was placed at the very top and she had to step on the lower rows and clamber herself up just to get that item. Not only had she fallen a few times, but she had also made a fool out of herself to other shoppers.

She sighed frustratingly and saw a man that was standing in front of the aisle that was opposite to the one with the vanilla extract. He pushed his glasses up his nose and examined the back of a can. If he was too absorbed in whatever he was reading, he probably wouldn't notice the ruckus behind him when Y/N climbed each row to get to the top one.

So she ruffled up her hair in frustration and went to climb on the aisle. As she stepped on the first row, it creaked a little, but she managed to climb up it and she placed her other foot on the second row. She stretched her hand up to see if he could reach the vanilla extract, but not soon after, she saw a much larger and paler hand stretch up and grab the vanilla extract. Y/N tilted her head further and the tip of her nose touched Taehyung's stone cold forehead. His dark hair was brushing her chin as he looked down at her and she looked up at him, both of them face to face.

For more than a moment, Y/N's heartbeat had accelerated and she was feeling warm, even though the soldier of Death was as cold as water. Taehyung raised his eyebrow at her and retracted his hand, holding the vanilla extract to show her he had got it.

"You could've just asked a taller companion to take it for you, instead of acting like a human monkey," he drawled and the coolness that Y/N was feeling on her back finally went away when Taehyung shifted away.

She looked back in front of her and dropped on the floor, landing on two feet. Her cheeks were scarlet and it didn't subside down when she saw Taehyung's broad back clad in black silk walking away from the aisle to the shopping basket. She exhaled a rather difficult, hot breath – she had forgotten to breathe.

Her heartbeat was causing way too much noise, and she was sure that the man standing opposite her would've at least turned around. She looked at him and her suspicions were proven wrong when he ran his hands through his long hair and his ears were finally exposed, plugged in with a white pair of airpods.

She sighed. At least she didn't get embarrassed.

"Hey Y/N," Taehyung called out with his deep voice. "Come one we got to get moving."

And for some reason, Y/N was only now noticing how deep and attractive Taehyung's voice was.


They reached Y/N's apartment and Taehyung addressed the question that had been bugging him this whole while. "You haven't ever baked a cake before?"

"No," Y/N shook her head, "that's why it's on my bucket list."

"But I thought every little human girl had baked a cake at least one point in her childhood."

"Yeah but my childhood just consisted of Dragon Ball Z so."

Taehyung looked at her with disappointed eyebrows. "......."

They spread out all the ingredients on the counter and Y/N smiled at herself while wearing the apron she had bought. "Ok, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter two-inch-round cake pans and line the bottoms with the parchment paper."

"What are we making again?"

"Basic vanilla cake."

"Oh, than we bought frosting for no reason."

Taehyung and Y/N got to work, lining up the parchment in the cake pans and preparing the cake batter. Taehyung was actually a pretty good baker – he handled the mixer really well, as though he had baked cakes before.

"Have you done this before?" Y/N asked, but Taehyung just shook his head.

They added the vanilla extract and baking soda.

"I think you're supposed to add an entire teaspoon of baking soda," Taehyung said, a little concern coating his voice.

Y/N looked at the spoon she was holding – which was the tiniest made in existence. "No I'm pretty sure we only need a bit."

"I don't think the cake will even rise at that amount of baking soda –"

"Shh." Y/N shushed him, "I majored in chemistry, this is basically acid. I know what I'm doing alright?"

So imagine how humiliating it was when they took the cake out of the oven and it was as flat as a pan cake.

Taehyung looked at Y/N with a raised eyebrow, and she just laughed, embarrassed.

"I guess I just miscalculated how much acid was in baking soda," she excused, waving her hands. "And anyways, it's all in the taste, not in the looks."

"Whatever you say," Taehyung sighed.

He took the knife and cut of a bit of the cake, which was very hard to do since it was as hard as stone. The whole time Y/N sweat dropped and Taehyung just glared at her. He took a bite of it and immediately spat it out.

"WHAT THE – wait, did you add salt instead of powdered sugar?"

"Oh – um, I guess I did," Y/N spat out the chunk of cake that she had bit into. It was way too salty.

Taehyung slapped his forehead with his palm. "You had one job Y/N."

The rest of the night Y/N and Taehyung had just settled on having the cans of frosting that they didn't use for the cake for dinner.

"Hey Taehyung!" Y/N said as she pulled on his sleeve.


He met Y/N's face with a moustache of frosting. She smiled widely at him and the frosting fell off a bit on her shirt.

Then Taehyung was greeting by this bubbling sensation at the pit of his stomach – it grew all the way up to his lips and the corners itched. He lifted them up and out came a sound.


Taehyung laughed alongside with Y/N sitting on the couch and having fun with nothing but cans of frosting. He couldn't stop, the emotion over flowing and showcasing itself on his brilliant features.


Why did this all seem so amazing? Why was he ok with this?

For the first time ever, he realized what feelings were – he now wanted nothing, but to be human, just like her. 

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