Chapter 2

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(Contains content that can be offending to religious people. Very mild)

Y/N blinked. Who the fu –

"You are . . . who?"

Taehyung sighed, "look I know it's kinda hard for humans to believe things like that. But honestly, it's true. I am a soldier of Death, and one of the people who I am supposed to kill is you."


"Look!" Taehyung pulled out a small notebook from his back pocket. "LOOK! Your death was supposed to happen on April 23rd! That's more than three months ago!"

April 23rd? Y/N remembered that day as though it was yesterday, the traumatic accident had never once left her tiny scared mind. She was driving home when from one of her friend's house on the highway, when suddenly two massive headlights, closely resembling the sinister eyes of a demon blinded her vision. She immediately turned the wheel with incredible force and managed to only scrape the side of her old car against the truck, her head hit the windshield and shattered the glass. Warm blood trickled down her head, and her hazy vision captured the large white ambulances and people running, screaming and panicking all around her. She woke up though, in the hospital, and from then onward the horrible series of living nightmares kept replaying in her life.

That accident on the highway, was the most traumatic experience of her life. Y/N woke up in cold sweat after her nightmares on the accident.

She was supposed to die in that accident. On the highway. On the 23rd of April, but she somehow, hacked the system and survived. She then continued doing that over and over again.

This strange man who claimed that he was a soldier of Death, hadn't even explained everything but Y/N could put the pieces of the puzzle together just by looking him. He was going to be the death of her.

Taehyung maintained a bored expression, looking at Y/N who was stunned beyond belief.

"You – you have been trying to kill me all this while!" she finally spluttered out.

"Did I stutter before?" Taehyung rolled his eyes, and somehow magically slipped the black book inside his back pocket which was the size of a cheese cub. "You are supposed to be dead by now, Y/N would you hurry up and just let me kill you already? You are making my job harder for me you know?"

"I – I don't want to die," Y/N choked out. "I don't want to die, please stop trying to kill me!"

Taehyung just ran his hand through his hair, as though he was dealing with a kid who was throwing a tantrum. "It isn't your choice, sorry. Every single person in this world has been given a specific a date on which they will have to die. You, have somehow managed to break the laws of the universe, which lead me to reveal myself to a human for the first time ever in the 23467345976423187346917491646234 years I have lived. But you will forget me soon, because I'm going to have to kill you now."

Taehyung was suddenly an inch away from Y/N's face, his large hand had snaked around her neck and was squeezing her windpipe so that the flow of air got clogged. She choked and clawed Taehyung's wrist with her tiny nails – his hand was colder than ice. The blood rushed to Y/N's face and without thinking, she kicked Taehyung's crotch with her knee.

He let out a high pitched yelp and his hand immediately flew away from her throat. "FUCK! Why the hell would you do that?"

Y/N sucked in huge amounts of air, "what do you mean 'why the hell would you do that?' You fucking tried to kill me mate!"

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