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Twirling around like a child playing pretend, you danced to the kitchen and put your kettle on the stove. You searched your mostly bare cupboard for some tea leaves and dumped a spoonful into your favorite mug before walking into the living room to open the curtains.

Although you had enough time to eat this morning, you still decided to skip breakfast, like always. Instead, you preferred to feast your eyes on the city streets, admiring how the concrete jungle slowly came back to life with the sunrise. As you watched the sky shift from a hazy lilac to a brilliant daytime blue, you tried to piece together the story of last night. It was certainly as colorful as the sky, with the bold azure of the stranger's hair, his pitch black eyes, and the greenish hue of some figure that was supposedly evil. You weren't sure how or who he even was, but you remember him still managing to intimidate you from afar. There was a glossy yellow of a taxi cab that brought relief along with it. But again, you still couldn't remember why. Why were you in such a rush? What were you running from?

The kettle screamed as the water came to a boil. Your speculations fled your head like a flock of startled birds. You rushed over to the stove and took the kettle off the burner, pouring the hot water into your mug. The steam rising out of your cup warned you to wait a while before taking a sip. Rubbing your temples, you let out a sigh and stared into your tea, losing yourself in the dark abyss.

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