Chapter One: Adoption

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I wake up to a sudden weight on my chest. I groan and crack open one eye to see what's on me. It's Grace. I tackle Grace and start to tickle her. She squeals with delight and laughter. "This is what you get for waking me up, you little monkey!" "Okay, okay, I give!" "You know what you have to say." She giggles some more before relenting. "Okay! Uncle, Uncle!" I get off the bed and pick her up before resting her on my hip. She laughs and rubs her sides. I boop her nose and hand her the monkey toy that she holds so dear. She holds it close to her chest. "So, why did you have to wake me up at-" I look at the clock on my bedside table. "8:13 in the morning? This better be very important, or there might just be more tickles in your future." She giggles. "It is! Mrs. Smith said to wake you up because there's going to be an adoption soon and she needs your help with directing us in chores while she talks to the person." I nod and put Grace down. "Okay, could you do me a favor and gather everyone in the living room while I get dressed?" She nods and runs off, the little patter of her feet bringing a smile to my face. Grace is only six. Her parents died in a car crash when she was only 3. She's been in this orphanage since then. I feel bad for her. I'm 14, the oldest. I was abandoned by my parents when I was about her age. I've spent the next 8 years here. I change into my favorite outfit with a sigh.

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Adopted By Thomas Sanders And His SidesWhere stories live. Discover now