Chapter Six: Night Terrors

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I wake up to someone poking my face. I turn over to see Patton with a giant cookie stuffie and his cat onesie looking absolutely adorable. I sit up. "What's wrong Pat?" He frowns. "I accidentally caused a nightmare. I ran out before I could get yelled at. Can I sleep here tonight?" I smile at him. "Of course, come on in." I scoot over to give him room. He climbs in and lays on his back. He holds the stuffie to his chest and starts to cry. I lay down and snuggle up to him. "It's okay, let it out. You're okay. You didn't mean to." I wipe away his tears and hold him close to me. I hear a knock on the door before I see Thomas and the rest of the sides. I beckon them in and pat the bed. They all sit down on the bed and Patton peaks out over the stuffie to look at them. Thomas speaks. "Patton, it's okay. We know that it was an accident. It's not your fault. We're sorry. Are you okay?" He sniffs. "Yeah kiddo, I'm okay." I poke him. "Really? Because you still seem not okay." He nods. "I'll be okay." "Better. Do you still want to sleep here?" He thinks about it for a minute. "If you don't mind kiddo, I still want to sleep in here." I smile down at him. "Of course you can stay Pat. I don't mind. Besides, you're snuggly." He giggles. "Thanks, kiddo." He lays back down and I wave at Thomas leaving with the other sides. They all wave back and Thomas waves before shutting the door behind him. I snuggle up to Patton and fall back to sleep.

~Time Skip~

My alarm goes off at 9:00 in the morning and I shut it off. I try to get out of bed but I feel something around my waist, stopping me. I look back to see Patton's arms wrapped tightly around me. He pouts up at me. I chuckle and pet his head. "Sorry Patton but I have to go. I have to make breakfast, take a shower, and work on school stuff. I may go to an online school, but I still have to dedicate a decent amount of time to schoolwork. Don't worry, we can snuggle later. You just get some rest and I'll wake you up when breakfast is ready, okay?" He sleepily nods and sinks back into the covers. I grab the controller and set the lights to a nice, calming blue. He smiles into the pillow and starts to snore. I walk downstairs and start to make some pancakes.

~Time Skip~

I place the last pancake on Roman's plate and sprinkle deodorant flakes onto Remus's pancakes. I also set out peanut butter, crofters, butter, fresh berries, and syrup. I fill the glasses with orange juice and I walk upstairs and to the farthest room to start waking people up. I start with Deceit. I knock on his door. "Deceit, are you in there?" "No!" I chuckle. "Breakfast is on the table! Enjoy while I wake up the others!" I walk to the next room without hearing his response. I'm about to knock on Remus's door. When it flies open. I'm enveloped in a hug without seeing anything. I slowly wrap my arms around him. "You okay Remus?" He nods. "I just missed you." I laugh. "It's only been one night. Less than that if you count coming into my room when Patton was sad. I appreciate it though. Breakfast is ready, you know which plate is yours. I sprinkled some deodorant flakes on there. I mixed a few flavors, I didn't think you'd mind." He runs off towards the breakfast table. I chuckle while I knock on Logan's door. He pokes his head out in confusion. "Umm, hello Alex." "Hey Logan! Breakfast is ready if you want to come down. There are Crofters on the table." Despite his usual reaction to Crofters he just stares at me. "Is everything okay Logan?" "It's curious that you can knock on and see my door. Normally only Thomas can." I shrug. "It's probably because he revealed you guys to me, therefore I can see your doors too." He thinks for a second but seems to accept the answer and goes down for breakfast. Next, I knock on Roman's door. I hear stomping on the other side before Roman finally opens the door. I see him with large bags, messy hair, and his sword pointed in my direction. "Woah, hi Roman." He puts his sword away. "Oh, it's only you Alex. Sorry, Remus always tries to wake me up before I've had my beauty sleep. What did you need?" I sigh. "I made breakfast. It's downstairs for you." His eyes widen and he snaps. He immediately looks like normal. He runs downstairs. I sigh and knock on Virgil's door. I don't hear anything. I open the door and see Virgil cuddled up in his bed. His eyes are screwed shut and he looks scared. I run over and gently wake him up. He sits upright quickly and his forehead collides against mine. I drop to the floor with a loud thump and groan. He looks over the side of his bed and gives me a sheepish smile. "I'm so sorry, you just shocked me." I laugh, rubbing my forehead. "I'm fine. I just woke you up to say that breakfast is ready. If you want some, just head downstairs." He smiles down at me. "Alright, thanks, and sorry again." "Really Virgil, no harm done. Just go enjoy breakfast. I still have to wake up a couple more people." He helps me up before leaving. I cross the hall, closing Virgil's door behind me. I knock on Thomas's door. While knocking, I notice that all the sides have their rooms on the left wall and Thomas has his and mine on the right side. (Interesting.) Thomas answers the door, rubbing his eyes. "Hey Thomas, I hope you slept well. Breakfast is on the table. I just have to wake up Patton." "Alright, I'll see you downstairs. Thank you." He walks downstairs. I walk into my room and slowly creep towards the bed. I sit on the bed and wake Patton up with a kiss on the head. He blinks before shinning a sleepy smile in my direction. "Hey, sleepyhead. Everyone else is already downstairs eating breakfast. I wanted you to get the most sleep possible. It's pancakes today. Why don't you head down and I'll take a quick shower before meeting you there?" He yawns and stretches like a cat before walking downstairs. I grab some clothes and set them on the bathroom counter before hopping into the shower. I quickly wash up and step back out. I get dressed.

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