Chapter Two: Movies and Pizza

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"That sounds amazing. I'll be upstairs if you guys need me." I run up the stairs and into my room. (That's awesome to say. My room, my bathroom, my bed.) I take out my laundry bag from my backpack and put the dirty clothes inside, setting the laundry bag in the closet next to my backpack. I take out a comfortable onesie and set it on the counter along with my towel. I take a nice warm shower and hop out. I dry myself off and wrap the towel around my hair. I grab my onesie from the counter and put it on.

I take the towel off of my head, patting my hair down one last time

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I take the towel off of my head, patting my hair down one last time. I brush my rainbow hair and push it to one side. I flip up the hood and look at myself in the mirror. I'm satisfied enough so I hop down the stairs. Halfway down I see Roman in his beast onesie, Patton in his cat onesie, Virgil in his skeleton onesie, Logan in his hippo onesie, and Thomas is the only one in normal plaid pajamas. Patton sees me and squeals. I giggle at his adorableness and finish walking down the stairs. I reach the bottom and jump off the last stair for finality. I swing my arms out and smile. I notice that Romans not there anymore and I look around the living for him. Suddenly, I'm lifted up princess style and I laugh. I look up to see Roman. I poke one of his horns. He carries me over to the couch and drops me between Patton and Virgil. I sit up and flip the hooves of my onesie out. They cover my hands. "Well aren't you the cutest rainbow unicorn." I look over at Thomas as he comes over with pizza. "Maybe." He chuckles and puts the pizza box in the middle along with some plates. Everyone grabs a slice and I flip my hooves back before I grab one too. Remus pops in with glitter still covering him just to grab a slice and pop back out. Thomas sighs and flips on the movie. "Yay, frozen two! I haven't seen this one yet." Patton pokes me. "Well, then you could say that this is Hans down the best decision." Everyone groans and Logan hits himself in the head with his book. I giggle like a five-year-old and poke him back. "Maybe they should just Let It Go." Patton giggles and pokes me again. He opens his mouth to say another pun but Roman simply shoves the rest of Patton's pizza into his mouth. Patton mumbles around his pizza. The movie starts. I sit back and watch.

~Time Skip~

By the end of the movie, everyone has dried tears on their cheeks and small smiles on their faces. I've finished my pizza now. I see Roman eye the last slice in the box. Virgil speaks up. "Don't even think about it Princey. That slice is mine." They break out into an argument, not even noticing Paton slowly reaching into the box to take it. I laugh and run up to my room to grab my tin. I come back down and shake the tin. "Who wants cookies?" That shuts them up. I open it up and pass the cookies out. "They're white chocolate macadamia nut. My favorite." When I hand Patton his cookie his eyes light up. I sit back in my spot and grab a cookie myself. I eat the cookie and the room is filled with quiet sounds of eating. I set the open tin down for them to continue eating and pick up the pizza box. I collapse it and throw it in the recycling. Afterward, I wash my hands. I yawn while drying off my hands and Thomas looks at the clock. "Maybe you should go to bed. It's almost 11:00 at night. My first night as a parent and I let you eat junk food and stay up late." He covers his eyes and groans. I laugh. "That's fine. Believe it or not, I don't eat junk food that often. I can't say that I don't usually stay up this late though. I'm a complete night owl. But it has been a long day. New people, new discoveries. I'm exhausted. I'll see you guys in the morning." They all say goodnight and I walk up to my room. I change into an oversized T-shirt and pajama shorts before jumping into bed. I turn on my side and fall asleep.

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