Chapter Eight: New Ringtones And Crazy Bitch

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"There will come a soldier, Who carries a mighty sword. He will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord." "Sorry, I've been playing around with the ringtones again." I answer the phone and put it up to my ear. "Is everything okay down there Roman?" He groans. "No. We got ourselves trapped in the wrapping paper and we can't get out. Please help. Also, is that a new ringtone for me? I could here it from down here. I like it." I sigh and facepalm. "Roman, if you could hear my ringtone from up here, that means we would've heard you if you had shouted for help. You're just that extra aren't you?" "Nods." "Did you just say 'nods'? "Well, you couldn't see me so I had to!" I sigh. "We'll be down soon." I hang up the phone and walk downstairs. Everybody follows behind me. When I get there, I see that Roman is trapped with only on arm free, Virgil is completely wrapped with a bow on top and an angry look on his face, and Logan is lying on the floor unconscious. I walk over to Virgil and start to untie him, Thomas starts to untie Roman, and Patton tries to wake up Logan. "I don't even want to know. I really don't. Lets just fix this and get some food." I tear open Virgil's cocoon and snatch the bow off of his head. I smooth his hair because it was messed up by the bow. He quietly thanks me. When he sees Roman, he charges. The now free Roman tries to run. I grab Virgil and Rumus grabs Roman. Deceit is helping Patton. I turn Virgil to face me instead of Roman. "What happened?" He huffs. "That idiot wrapped my legs in paper when I was wrapping a gift. I didn't even notice until he'd gotten up to my chest. He also wrapped my arms and taped my mouth. Then, he put a bow on my head. He was getting the best angle for a picture when Logan walked in. They bumped into each other. Logan fell and hit his head. Roman just ended up trapping himself in wrapping paper. Since he still had one hand free, he decided to call you for help. That's why I'm currently questioning whether or not Remus could take over for a bit while Roman is in the hospital." I shake my head. I lean in close to his ear and whisper something. He smirks. "I guess we could do that instead of killing him." I smirk and let Virgil go. Roman stares at us with pure terror in his eyes. I walk over to the knocked out Logan and plant a kiss on his forehead. He starts awake and shoots up. He hits me in the forehead and now it's my turn to fall over. I groan. "I guess true love's kiss does work. It has some bad side effects though." Logan looks down at me. He summons a bag of ice and hands it to me. "I apologize. I wasn't planning on doing that." I take the ice bag and chuckle. "Don't worry about the little old me. I'm tougher than I look. Besides, this is the second time its happened in the span of a week." I press it to the bump already forming on my head. "So, how about some food?" Everyone nods and Thomas takes out his phone. He calls a Chinese place and orders food for all of us. I told him that I wanted beef and broccoli with a side of cream cheese wontons. We all clean up the living room while we wait for the food to arrive. We finish with the living room just as dinner arrives. Thomas takes the food and sets it on the table. We start to eat our food at the table. Thomas chews his food and swallows it before giving a weird face. "I swear it's the same but it just tastes different now. Alex, I blame your amazing cooking." I chuckle and take another bite of broccoli. "Thanks Thomas. I'm glad you guys like it." Roman's face lights up. "You got us new ringtones didn't you? I could hear mine from down here." "Yeah. Yours is-" "Wait, don't tell me." He pulls out his phone and calls me. "There will come a soldier, Who carries a mighty sword. He will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord." I roll my eyes and shut it off. "I like that one much better." I smile. "Me next, me next!" Remus calls me. "I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexy. Just like all of my thoughts they always get a bit naughty. When I'm out with my girls I always play a bit bitchy. Can't change the way I am sexy naughty bitchy me." I shut the ringtone off. "Again!" Remus jumps up and calls me again. He then proceeds to dance to my ringtone. I shut it off and he pouts before sitting down. He begrudgingly continues eating. Patton calls me next. "When the road looks rough ahead and you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed you just remember what your old pal said. Boy, you've got a friend in me. Yeah, you've got a friend in me" I shut off the ringtone. "Aww. Kiddo. You've got a friend in me too. Logan, you next!" He calls me. "Dreams come true, that's news to me. How wild... blueberry. Who knew that our buffoonery would bear fruit so divine? Even I~. I don't have the vocabulary to describe what I'm, feeling inside. But for me, it's very unordinary." The table is silent for a second. Then, everybody bursts out laughing. Even Logan cracks a smile. After the laughter dies down, Logan speaks. "I enjoy your new ringtone for me." "I'm glad you do." Virgil takes out his phone. "I guess it's my turn." He calls me. "Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through. Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you. Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you." I turn it off and chuckle. "You can tell by the songs I picked that I'm a bit overprotective." Deceit takes out his phone and calls next. "If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn, I'll be at your side. If life's standing still and your soul's confused. And you cannot find what road to choose." I turn it off. Deceit stares at me with a look of pure joy. He even cracks a small smile. While looking at his face, I notice a few of his scales disappear. My eyes widened in surprise. "Umm, what? Why did a few of your scales go away?" He feels his face and his eyes widen too. He clears his throat. "Umm, nothing." "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to. I just hope that it's something good." Thomas decides to break the tension. By calling me. My ringtone goes off and I freeze. "There goes my hero. Watch him as he goes. There goes my hero. He's ordinary." I quickly shut my phone off. The room is filled with silence. I react by running up to my room. I quickly shut the door behind me and hide under the covers. I know that I'm reacting like a child, but I'm only 14! The door slowly creaked open and I felt a weight on the bed. I stay in my ball under the covers. I feel a hand on my shoulder. The hand starts to gently rub my back. "Alex, it's okay. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I appreciate that you consider me your hero. Is that why you didn't let it play earlier?" I nod. Thomas sighs and lays down on the bed next to me. He gives me a hug and snuggles up next to me. "Do you hate me now?" "What was that?" I clear my throat and speak louder. "Do you hate me now?" He hugs me tighter. "Of course not. I could never hate you. Especially over something small like this. I chose to adopt you for your overwhelming kindness and your amazing gentle nature. The moment I met you, I knew that you would be an incredible addition to the family and I was right. You've made us all happier. Even Logan cracks a smile more often. I'm glad you're here and I wouldn't change it for all the Crofters in the world." I flip over and hug him, crying into his chest. He simply holds me. He softly pets my hair and continues to rub my back. After a while, I stop crying. "Thanks. I really needed that." He kisses the top of my head. "Anytime. How about we both change into something snow ready and go for a walk?" I smile. "That sounds great." He gets out of the bed and walks off, closing the door behind him. I get up and walk over to my bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. My makeup is running, of course. I clean the makeup off my face and walk over to my closet.

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