Chapter Seven: Games And Art

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 I take out the painting and set it back on my desk. I paint a second layer very carefully. After I finish with layer two, I store it under my bed. I take out all the fabrics, ribbons, needles, threads, and buttons. I get to work on making some stuffies. I'm almost done with the last one when I hear a knock on the door. I hide the stuff and answer the door. Thomas stands there. "Hey, Alex. It's almost midnight. You should probably go to bed." I groan. I just have to finish up one more thing. It'll only take me ten more minutes, I promise." He crosses his arms. "Fine, but only if you show me what you're working on." I chuckle and pull out one of the drawers from the window-side couch. I bring out a medium-sized snake stuffie. It's missing the head. I show it to Thomas. "I'm making this for Deceit as a Christmas present. I only have to finish the head and stuff it." He gapes at the snake. "That is awesome. How did you get so good at this?" I shrug. "When toys would break at the orphanage, I would fix them. After a while, I started making new ones. I made some pride flag lizards just before we left." "Those were your creations? They looked store-bought. I was going to look for those at Walmart." I chuckle. "I can make some for you. It'll have to wait until after I finish my Christmas stuff though." "That would be great. You don't have to though." I set the stuffie down and walked over to Thomas. I grab his shoulders. "I am a Hufflepuff. I do nice things because I want to. If I was feeling forced, you would know." I give him a hug. He hugs back with a smile. "Yay." I laugh at his comment. I pull away and smile. "You want to see me finish it?" His face lights up. "Yeah." I grab the stuffie and sit down at my desk. He sits on my bed and watches me. I hum while I sew on most of the head. I leave a little hole. I use that hole to stuff it full of fluff. After I'm done, I sew it completely. I also sew on the tongue and some black buttons for eyes. After I'm done I lift it into the air proudly. Thomas walks up and pokes it. I laugh and open the other drawer of stuffies, tossing it in. "Alright, time for bed. Goodnight Thomas. Sleep well." I give him a hug and send him out. I get changed into pajamas.

I hop into bed and snuggle up under the covers.

~Time Skip~

I wake up to my alarm blaring and I shut it off. I get out of bed and groggily step into the shower. After my shower, I brush my teeth and get dressed.

 After my shower, I brush my teeth and get dressed

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Adopted By Thomas Sanders And His SidesWhere stories live. Discover now