Chapter Five: Ringtones And Art

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Thomas is absorbed in his phone. We end up on the conversation topic of ringtones. "That reminds me," Roman says. "Have you set ringtones for all of us yet? I gave you everybody's number." I chuckle. "Yes Roman, I did." "Oh, what's mine?" He pulls out his phone and calls me. My phone goes off in my pocket. "The King is dead but the queen is alive. Off with his head, I am done with his lies." I hang up the phone and the ringtone stops. "The king is dead? But I'm the prince." I laugh. "In reference to the ringtone, you're the queen." "My turn!" Patton pulls out his phone and calls me. "I'm cute, yes, it's true. I really can't help it. But what can I do? When you're cute, it just shows." I turn off the ringtone. "Aww, kiddo that's sweet. You next Logan!" Logan calls my phone. "I am the left brain, I am the left brain. I work really hard til' my inevitable death brain. You got a job to do, you better do it right, and the right way is with the left brain's might." "Well, that is fitting. I approve." Deceit calls me next. "Trust in me. Just in me. Shut your eyes. Trust in me." He gives a low, sultry laugh. "I totally don't love that you picked that song." "Oh, me next!" Remus rings my phone. "Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, Mutilated monkey meat, Hairy pickled piggy feet, French fried eyeballs floating in some kerosene, And me without a spoon." Remus smiles wide. "That's the best thing I've ever heard and it was only one verse. I'm looking this up later." "Virgil, your turn!" I slightly panic. "Umm, why don't we-" I'm cut off by Virgil's ringtone. "Where the north wind meets the sea. There's a river full of-" I quickly turn the ringtone off and continue eating. Virgil goes red and pulls his hood over his face. "Ohh, I sense an inside joke. Do I have to say it? Secrets, secrets, are no fun. Tell me now or else we're done." I sip my drink. "That's Virgil's choice. He can tell you if he wants. I don't mind. Don't push him." They all stare expectantly in his direction. He sighs. "After I was kicked out of bed last night, I went downstairs and sat on the couch. Alex comforted me. She brought me up to her room and... sang that song to me so I could get to sleep. Hence how we came to be in the position you found us in this morning." Thomas looks up from his phone with a big smile on his face, Logan cracks a small smile, and Patton goes into cuteness overload. "That's so precious!" Virgil retreats further into his hood. I blush in embarrassment but manage to keep from running away. "Okay, I'm last." Thomas goes to call my phone. (Nope, not ready for that yet.) I turn off the sound on my phone under the table. He calls and we all sit, waiting in anticipation. "Sorry guys, I think the sound is off. Maybe later." Patton frowns. "It worked fine earlier." I shrug and go back to eating. I see Deceit smirk at me from the other side of the table while sipping his soup. I kick his foot under the table. He reacts with a loud hissing sound. Everyone turns to him. "Sorry, De. The soup might be a bit hot. I forgot to say." He nods and everything goes back to normal. Everybody finishes eating. I try to take the plates again. Thomas shakes his head. "How about this? You can do the cooking because I clearly suck at it, but I clear and wash the dishes." I groan. "Fine, fine. You win Mr. nice guy." He smirks at me. "That's Mr. Hufflepuff actually." "Did you just-" He simply smirks and walks into the kitchen. I check the time on the clock. "I think I'm gonna go break in the art supplies before bed. Nobody enters without knocking okay? This is top secret." Everybody agrees to my terms and I go upstairs. I take out my paints, a pencil, an eraser, and a canvas. I start out by sketching out the image I want. Then, I mix all of the colors I'll need. I paint over the light pencil lines, making sure everything is perfect.

~Time Skip~

After hours of work, I'm done. I lean back in my desk chair and sigh contentedly.

 I lean back in my desk chair and sigh contentedly

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I hear a knock on the door and I panic. I quickly but carefully place the painting under my bed. "Come in!" Thomas walks in. "Hey, it's getting pretty late. Maybe you should go to bed. I smile. "Of course. Sorry, I got kinda absorbed in what I was working on. I'll change and head to bed." "Alright. We should probably set you up for school tomorrow." "Oh, no need. I go to an online school. I found normal classes boring so I decided that online would be better. I'll send you a link to the website in the morning so you can see my grades and stuff. Goodnight, sleep well." He blinks at me. "Okay wow. You are the most responsible teenager I've ever met. You sleep well too." I wave and he closes the door behind him. I decide that the painting can dry overnight so I leave it under my bed. I look down at my outfit. (I should probably get into pajamas.)

I hop into bed and shut my lights off

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I hop into bed and shut my lights off. I turn on my side and fall asleep.

Adopted By Thomas Sanders And His SidesWhere stories live. Discover now