Chapter Three: Midnight Snacks And Breakfast Disaster

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I wake up to a sound in the kitchen. I look at the clock on my bedside table to check the time. (Who the hell is up at 3:37 AM? Patton probably. I left the cookies down there.) I walk downstairs and halfway down I hear sniffling. I look at the couch to find Virgil quietly crying and eating a cookie. I finish walking down and creep towards the couch. He doesn't notice me until I lightly lay a hand on his shoulder. He jumps in surprise but calms down when he sees me. "Oh, it's just you Alex." He quickly wipes away his tears and scoots over to give me room. I sit down next to him. "What's wrong Virgil? I know I'm new, but you can tell me. I won't judge you, or laugh at you." He gives me a look and I sigh. "Okay fine, don't tell me. But at least let me help you get back to sleep." I grab his hand and lead him to my room. I sit up in bed under the covers and tap the spot next to me. He huffs, blowing his bangs away from his face momentarily. He eventually lays down next to me with his head in my lap. "I've only ever done this once but it seemed to work then." I start to slowly stroke his hair. I take a deep breath and start to sing. I decide to sing the river song from Frozen two.

Where the north wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory

Sleep, my darling, safe and sound

For in this river all is found

In her waters, deep and true

Lay the answers and a path for you

Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear

And in her song, all magic flows

But can you brave what you most fear?

Can you face what the river knows?

Where the north wind meets the sea

There's a mother full of memory

Come, my darling, homeward bound

When all is lost, then all is found

I hear Virgil snoring and I smile. I continue to stroke his hair for as long as I'm awake. I eventually fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Thomas's POV

I wake up and stretch, looking at the clock. (Hmm, it's 10 AM. I slept great after Virgil woke up. I feel bad though. Roman kicked Virgil out of his bed and told him to go sleep on the couch where he couldn't affect me. I was having anxious thoughts about adopting Alex. Does she like me? Is she still freaked out? How do I be a good parent? Maybe breakfast is a good idea for a nice start to our first day as an official family.)

I get out of bed and knock on Roman's door. He steps out groggily. "Yes, Thomas? What do you need?" I smirk. "Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep, but I wanted to make breakfast this morning. You also need to apologize to Virgil." He groans but agrees. Next, I knock on Patton's door. He opens the door with a big smile on his face but no glasses. "Hiya kiddo! What do you need your good old dad for?" "I was planning on making breakfast this morning. I need your help with that and making sure Roman apologizes to Virgil for last night." "Of course! I'll always help you!" He runs off to grab his glasses and comes back to join us. Next, I knock on Logan's door. He opens it with his glasses on, book in hand, and fully dressed. "Yes, Thomas?" "I need your help with breakfast, you have all the know-how." "Of course Thomas. I am your logic, so I know how to do many things. Cooking breakfast is only a small part of my knowledge." None the less, he joins us. I walk over to Virgil's door and knock. No answer. I knock again this time harder. Still nothing. I walk in while talking. "Look, Virgil. I'm sorry about last night but Roman is here to apologize, so if you'll join us-" He's not there. "Maybe he's on the couch, I did tell him to sleep there last night." "Good idea Roman." I pass Alex's room and walk downstairs. There is no sleeping Virgil on the couch. "Odd, maybe Alex will know where he is?" I carefully open the door to Alex's room to see the cutest thing ever. She's sitting upright with her back against some pillows and Virgil is laying with his head on her lap. He's snoring soundly with her hand rested on his hair. He rarely lets anyone touch his hair. Patton pulls out his phone and starts to take pictures, Logan is raising an eyebrow at him, and Roman is pointing out the best angle of which to take the photos. After they're done I slowly creep over to the bed. I kneel down next to the bed and lightly shake Alex awake. She blinks and yawns, stretching her arms. She rubs her eyes before looking at me.

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