Chapter Ten: Snuggle Queen's Birthday

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(A/N) Big chapter this time. I wanted to get the whole day.

I'm woken up by a sudden weight on the bed. I don't even open my eyes to see who it is before I latch onto their waist and cuddle them. I hear a low chuckle and feel a pair of hands detach my own from their waist. The person in question lays down next to me on the bed. I rest my head on their chest and use my arms to keep them close as I fall back asleep.

~Time Skip~

I feel the person under me shift and I groan in response. I lightly hit their chest in an effort to make them stop. "I wish I could let you sleep longer, but Thomas has something planned for today. Which means both of us are getting up." I hold tighter onto the fabric of their shirt and shift my head. "C'mon Alex, we have to get up." I flop over onto them, my legs trapping their own and my arms around their chest. My head lazily flops in the crook of their neck. I hear a sigh. "Alright, but you brought this on yourself." Their hand waves and there's a knock on the door. "I'm in here. I need a little help. She's an aggressive cuddler." Their chest rumbles as they talk and I hum. The door opens and someone steps in. "What do you mean she's an- oh." They chuckle and walk over to the bed. "Yeah, we're gonna need the others for this. She's got you good." They leave the room. "You're adorable, my little Boa. But we have to get up." I constrict further on them, still ensuring that they can breathe. I hear more footsteps but a lot more this time. "You see. As adorable as this is, she needs to get up. He can't even move his legs or his upper arms. It's a wonder he was able to summon me." I hear the clicking of multiple cameras. "Alright, now that that's done. How should we go about this?" A couple of pairs of arms grab mine and a couple grabs my legs. They force me to release my victim of cuddles. I'm lifted into another person's arms. With my eyes still closed, I latch onto them. They happen to be very warm. "Oh, shoot. The second we got her off Deceit, she latched onto Virgil." Cameras flash a few more times. The person holding me, who is apparently Virgil, releases their arms from me. I still latch on to their torso. "See, I wasn't even holding her. She has a vice grip on me." More camera clicks. "Guys, that's not helping." "But it's just so cute!" Someone grabs me from the back and quickly tosses me face down onto my bed before I can latch onto them. "Roman, you could've hurt her!" I feel around for anything remotely warm and groan when I feel nothing. I roll onto my back and sit up before finally opening my eyes. The sides and Thomas are all staring at me with amusement clear on their faces. Virgil's sweatshirt is almost falling off, Patton's face is slightly red but glowing with joy, Roman's sash is slightly off-center, Remus's sash is the same, Logan's tie is slightly undone, Thomas's shirt is ruffled, and Deceit looking the most disheveled of them all. His hat is on the floor near my bed, a few of the buttons from his jacket are undone, his hair is all over the place, and one of his gloves is halfway off. I lazily smile at them. "Morning." They all look shocked for a moment before they burst out laughing. "You should get dressed and then come downstairs, we have a few things for you." I nod. "Okay." They file out of my room, closing the door behind them. I walk over to the bathroom and gaze at my own disheveled form in the mirror. My vibrant rainbow hair all over the place, the clear bags under my eyes, and one of my shoulders are uncovered because the shirt collar is tilted. I take off my clothes and jump in the shower. After the shower, I brush my hair. I get dressed and I'm just about to leave the room when I notice Deceit's hat on the floor. I smirk and put it on, adding it to my outfit.

 I smirk and put it on, adding it to my outfit

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