~ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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 Lydia groaned as a light ray of sunshine came through her curtains and disturbed her from her sleep

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Lydia groaned as a light ray of sunshine came through her curtains and disturbed her from her sleep. With her eyes still closed she reached out to the other side of the bed, letting out a long sigh as she remembered it was empty. Something she had yet to get used to.

She slightly opened her eyes and stared at the empty spot of the bed. She hated waking up knowing he wasn't there. That she was alone. This wasn't how she expected it to be.

Someone opening her bedroom door and little feet running across the room and over to the side Lydia had her back turned to brought Lydia out of her thoughts and caused her to turn around "hey sweetie" Lydia cooed as she lifted her youngest child Mia.

Lydia lay on her back and sat up a bit so she could set Mia on her stomach. Mia had just turned five a few months back where as her oldest, Connor was eleven. As she looked into Mia's eyes, ones that reminded her of Stan, she felt tears begin to prick at her eyes as she remembered the excited Stan had after finding out she was pregnant.

"mommmm!" Connor called from the door frame, confused as he tried to get his moms attention for the third time. Lydia jumped slightly and turned her head towards her son, wiping her eyes quickly "Sorry, sorry. What's wrong?" Lydia asked as she lifted Mia from her stomach and placed her beside her on the bed.

"Is he still not home?" Connor questioned, just like every other morning. "No sweetie.. he is still very busy... at work." Lydia hesitated. She hated lying to him but she didn't want to say the truth yet. Connor nodded but knew his mom was lying. She always looked away from him when she was, most likely from how bad she felt.

"Do you guys want to have a movie day?" Lydia excitedly questioned the two kids. In response, Mia hopped off the bed as fast as possible and ran out of the bedroom "poppycorn!" she yelled as she ran down the hall, referring to popcorn.

Lydia laughed and hopped out of her bed, chasing after Mia "Mia don't touch the popcorn yet!" she called out. Lydia stopped at the end of the hall and turned back around to Connor, who was still standing at the bedroom door and staring at the empty spot Stan would lie at.

Lydia slowly walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug "You'll see him soon, I promise. Work is just very busy." she spoke quietly, glancing over to he empty spot. Connor pulled away from the hug and gave his mom a small smile "Right. Work." he whispered before walking down the hallway and helping Mia.

Lydia took one last look at the bedroom before she followed after Connor "alright! Time for poppycorn!" She shouted happily as she lifted Mia onto the counter to help her make the popcorn. Connor making his own.

*Time skip to that night because I'm lazy*

Lydia was half asleep on the sofa, Mia and Connor passed out on either side of the sofa. She didn't want to move and wake them up so just decided to sleep on the sofa.

Just as she shut her eyes her phone across the room began to loudly ring, causing Lydia to flinch and quickly but carefully jump up from the sofa, climbing over the bowls of popcorn and candy on the floor without waking up Connor or Mia.

She finally made it over to the phone and looked down at the Caller ID.

Unknown number.

Lydia hesitated before pressing answer and walking slowly out of the room.

"Hello?" Lydia spoke just above a whisper into the phone.

"Lydia Uris?" A male voice came through the phone, one Lydia didn't recognise.

"It's actually Lydia Tozier- nevermind. Yes, this, this is she. Who's this?" Lydia questioned, glancing into the living room to make sure her kids were still asleep.

"It's Mike." The man answered.

The name sounded familiar but, Lydia couldn't quite figure it out.

"Mike? I.. I'm sorry Mike who?" Lydia asked.

"Mike Hanlon." Mike answered.

"From Derry." He continued.

Lydia froze. The name Derry having brought a sickening feeling in her stomach.

but she could barely remember why.

Lydia just stood frozen, not knowing what to say.

"Lyds?" Mike spoke up.

Lydia let out a small, dry laugh "wow, uh, no ones called me that in a long time. Jeez Mike, it's been a while. How long has it been?" She spoke, glancing over at her kids every so often.

"Twenty seven years. Look, Lyds, do you remember the promise?" He asked.

Lydia thought back to Derry, but all she could really remember was the horrible memories with her mom, and small details of things that happened the summer her mom died. She could barely remember killing her mom, she knew she did it, she knew she was scared but she thought she did it because her mom attacked her that day.

She didn't remember the full story.

"I'm sorry Mike, I- I don't remember a lot about the summer we met." She stuttered slightly.

"Exactly. Haven't you ever wondered why you can't seem to remember the things most people should? About where they're from? About who they are? Why you have that scar on your hand?" Mike asked.

Lydia swapped her phone to the other hand so she could look down at her palm. She knew the scar he was talking about. She had always wondered how she got it, but just presumed it was one she got from her mom. Of course she found it odd how Stan seemed to have a similar one or how she couldn't remember the story on how she got such a scar but, it wasn't something she thought a big deal of.

"No one else remembered either. Eddie. Ben. Richie. Bill. Stan." Mike continued.

"Stan..." Lydia whispered

"You have to come back. You all do." Mike told her.

Silence filled both ends of the phone call as Lydia continued to stare down at her palm. She took a deep breath and looked back up at her kids sleeping peacefully.



I know this is short, I'm sorry! I just wanted to get something out and give you some clues as for what's coming and what's happened.

Any theories?

Thank you for all the love on the first book, I'm not gonna lie I don't know what to name this book and I don't really like "Fears, chapter two" so please let me know any ideas!

Make sure to vote, comment as I love reading and replying to them and follow because I update my community tab a lot!

Love you all!

- A 🤍✨

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