~ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Lydia sat waiting in her car as Connor and Mia said their goodbyes to Stan and all their bags sat in the back

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Lydia sat waiting in her car as Connor and Mia said their goodbyes to Stan and all their bags sat in the back. She hadnt slept at all that night, as every time she closed her eyes she would see what the clown had shown her.

If she closed her eyes, she saw it, but if she just sat there, she could still imagine it, and it was making her feel more and more sec every minute.

She didn't want it to be real, of course she didn't, she just hoped the clown was messing with her head, trying to stop all of them getting together, maybe trying to get her to back out, and honestly.... Lydia was thinking about it... but, the kids..

She let out a long sigh and leaned her head forwards, resting it on the steering wheel, jumping back when it let out a loud beep

Her back doors opened and she spun around, slightly paranoid of the clown, but her nerves calmed once she saw Connor hopping up onto his seat, and Stan helping Mia in

"Mom, can we know where we're going yettt?" Connor asked as he buckled his seatbelt

"Uhh.. you're gonna stay at your grandmas house for a few days.." Lydia answered

"Why couldn't we just stay here with dad..?" Connor spoke with a frown

Lydia hadn't thought far enough to create an excuse as to why they were leaving, so she panicked and looked over at Stan

"Oh- uh, you're mom and I have to go visit some old friends, sadly, we don't have enough room for you two, so we wanted to leave you with your grandma instead" Stan answered, buckling Mia in and standing back

Connor looked between his two parents, as if to try guess if they were lying

"Well, we have to go now so..." Lydia trailed off, glancing up at Stan

"Right! Sorry, I'll see you there okay? Tell them I am coming." Stan told her before closing the door, waving goodbye to the kids and going back into the house.

Lydia took a deep breath and turned back towards the wheel, ready for her drive back to Derry.

The town that almost seemed impossible to get rid off.

"Well, well, well... look who's finally back" Richie spoke from the bottom of the stairs, where he seemed to be sat waiting, as Lydia walked in the doors of the hotel they were all staying at, pulling her suitcase behind her

Lydia rolled her eyes and closed the door "you say that as if I'm 16 and just came back from sneaking out"

"Technically you did, you stayed with a guy and were planning not to tell us"

"Firstly, I did not stay with him, he just happened to be there, I didn't know he was, and I was going to tell you guys... at some point.."

Lydia walked past Richie, struggling to pull her bag up the stairs

Richie lifted up the bottom of the bag and followed her as she walked to her room "so where is he?"

"Who?" Lydia questioned, too busy unlocking her room door to think about what he was asking

"Who do you think? The runner, where is he? Back out again?" Rich questioned as he pulled her bag into a corner of the room

"He's not- he didn't back out on coming here, the clown was fucking with him and he was told he had to stay at that house, he was actually coming" she told him, sitting down on her bed and looking at him as he sat in a seat in the room

"So why isn't he here now?"

"He will be."

"And you know that for sure?"

"Yes Richie, I know he will be"

"Then where is he?"

"He was leaving after me, he still had to pack"

"Why didn't you make sure he left and was following you?"

"Because I had to go to moms, I told you I was leaving the kids there."

"What about-"

"Richie!" Lydia shouted, interrupting him and causing Richie to give her a shocked look "stop asking me questions! I know probably just as much as you, okay? He told me he was coming, and I believe him."

"Well I don't." Richie answered

"Rich he's still your best friend."

"and you're my sister."

"Exactly, so you should do what makes me feel happier, and that is to stop being so harsh to him, and when he comes here, which I truly believe he will, don't be mean, okay? We have to have all our attention on the clown, and killing it, not stupid arguments." Lydia spoke to him

Richie looked at her for a minute, he could almost see how exhausted she was, physically and emotionally

"Fine...." Richie mumbled

"Thank you." Lydia spoke with a sigh as she flopped backwards on her bed

"Stan! You're- you actually came.." Beverly could be heard from downstairs, followed by the footsteps of the others going to the door of the hotel, presumably where Stan was

Quickly Lydia sat up and looked at Richie, who was looking between the door and her

"huh, so he actually made it.." Richie spoke to himself

Lydia sighed and stood up from her bed "you better not do anything stupid. Remember, we have to focus on the clown." she told him before leaving the room to go down to everyone else

Richie rolled his eyes "when do I ever do something stupid" he mumbled before following after her.

This was probably going to be very awkward...

A/N: this is sorta a filler chapter, and ik it's very short but I haven't updated in a while because I've been very stressed and busy but I wanted to put something out for you guys :)

Don't forget, if you guys have any suggestions or ideas I love hearing them and possibly adding them in to the storyline <3

Thank you for all the voting recently! I love seeing new people reading the book and commenting 🥺

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