~ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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Important A/N; I am so, so sorry for taking a month to upload this. My school has been very, very hectic with the pandemic. I hope everyone is safe, if you need someone to talk to please don't hesitate to message me, as with the situations we are in, your mental health can suffer, I know I personally have been affected with the pandemic and my mental health. I also apologise if my writing is very bad in this, or not as good as usual, I was struggling to write it a bit. I try to update as often as I can and although I write little bits here and there, it still takes me a while.

I would also like to thank you guys endlessly for 11K reads on 'Fears' and 2K reads on this. I cannot explain how thankful I am. I also am so thankful for every comment I get on the books, I try to respond to as many as I can and it makes me so happy getting the notifs for them.

You all are so kind and amazing. Don't be afraid to message me if you wanna be friends or need a chat!! :) 🖤

Mike grabbed ahold of Lydia's hand, helping pull her up the last step of the bunker

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Mike grabbed ahold of Lydia's hand, helping pull her up the last step of the bunker. As she stood up, wiping her hands on her jacket with a grossed out face due to the webs on them, Eddie spoke up

"Okay, Mike, so where do we find our tokens?"

"Yeah, I gotta be honest man, all due respect, this is fucking stupid. All right? Why do we need tokens?! We already remember everything, saving Ben, defeating IT, I mean- we're caught up!" Richie spoke

"That's not everything..." Mike began, holding his hands up to stop Richie from talking any more "We fought. But what happened after that? Before the house on Neibolt? Think."

Everyone stood silent for a minute, thinking to themselves, although Lydia was just growing frustrated as everything was a big cloud and she couldn't think

"W-w-we c-c-can't remember can we?" Bill asked, looking around at everyone

"See, there's more to our story, what happened that summer, and those blank spaces, like pages torn out of a book, that's what you need to find. We need to split up. You each need to find your artifact. Alone. That's important. When you do, meet me at the library tonight." Mike told them, watching as Ben and Stan nodded slightly, showing they knew what they were going to do.

"I gotta- I gotta say, statistically speaking, you look at survival scenarios we're going to do a lot better as a group." Eddie spoke

"Yeah, splitting up would be dumb, man. We gotta go together, all right? We were together that whole summer right!" Richie argued

Mike went to argue back with him, but Bill cut in before he could

"No. Not that w-w-whole summer." he told them, referring to when he and Richie had their argument, causing most of the losers club to be alone for a bit.

"What about those of us who weren't alone at that time?" Lydia began, looking at Mike. When he looked at her confused, she continued, "I don't think I was alone for like- any of that. I was with Bev or Stan most of the time.."

Fears, chapter two.Where stories live. Discover now