~ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Lydia may not ever realise how much of a change her words had made that night

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Lydia may not ever realise how much of a change her words had made that night. How much a difference those words had made on Stan's view of everything.

But Stan sure knew.

Because he was now sitting on his bedroom floor, packing his bags for Derry.


Across town Lydia was standing in the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand. She had a clear view of the living room, where the two kids still lay asleep.

She just wanted to understand the uneasy feeling in her stomach. She could write a whole novel just full of all the questions she had floating around her head.

She would have to see the losers club altogether again, and if Lydia was honest she wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Of course she couldn't wait to see them but, would it be awkward?

They all drifted apart years ago.

Lydia knew they were all slowly drifting apart, and she tried her absolute hardest to stay in contact with them all, but it got too hard.

They all moved out of Derry, Mike being left behind but they still kept in contact, trying to convince him to move out.

Bill drifted away first, he didn't mean to, he just got really into writing and Lydia wasn't mad about it, I mean, it all paid off. He became a publishing author and Lydia had seen news of some even becoming films. Lydia was beyond proud of him. He deserved attention for the hard work he did.

Mike was next, it wasn't his fault at all. He had been left in Derry, away from everyone else. And, staying there caused him to remember the things his friends couldn't. He felt so wrapped up in the truth behind the town he felt as though he was tied down and couldn't leave. Not yet. Something was keeping him back.

Next it was Ben, just like Bill, he didn't mean to. He started to focus down more on his work, he wanted to get more into architecture. Lydia wasn't going to lie and say she knew how exactly that had worked out for him, she hadn't seen or heard of him in forever, but she hoped it worked out.

Then, it was Eddie, and again, he didn't mean to, his mom had died from cancer and it changed Eddie's life a lot. He just started drifting. No one knew why, and it felt as though it happened too fast for anyone to even stop and question it. He moved out to New York, Lydia had no idea what he was doing out there but she hoped he was happy.

Beverly was next. She started seeing a new guy, and Lydia loved how happy Bev was. Beverly deserved to be loved and appreciated, unlike she was growing up from her dad. And Lydia thought she was getting that. But slowly Lydia could see the happiness slipping away, being replaced with a cover. And it seemed as though Lydia was the only one to see it.

Of course she questioned Bev on it, but Bev told her she was being silly. Lydia had a feeling she wasn't. That same empty look in Beverly's eyes was the one Lydia had to grow up with before her friends found out everything. She didn't trust this guy anymore, but, before she could do anything, Beverly had moved. She was just gone.

Lydia stalked her social medias for a while, and saw she had moved to Chicago and got engaged to the guy, but she looked happy. So, Lydia had convinced herself Bev had just drifted away like the rest.

And well, I suppose Stan was the last. Ah, what a complicated story that was. The couple that seemed to prove love was real. Met as kids, always got teased about dating, realised they liked each other, ended up dating each other while a killer clown was out to kill them in their town, just your average couple.

Stan and Lyds had gotten engaged when Lydia was twenty four and Stan was twenty five, marrying a year later. They had Connor when Lydia was twenty eight. It was later than Lydia had ever expected herself to have a kid but, Lydia had been having struggles getting pregnant, and just when the two had begun loosing hope, one random pregnancy test changed that.

Everyone thought Stan and Lyds would be together forever and always.

Maybe love wasn't real after all...

And I guess that just leaves Lydia and Richie. They obviously stayed in contact growing up, they always considered themselves blood related, instead of Lydia being brought into the family at thirteen.

Richie had moved out to Beverly Hills, California to become a stand up comedian , even sticking with the name 'trashmouth'

He was the only person who stayed by Lydia, and helped as she fell apart after breaking up with Stan.

It probably wouldn't come as a surprise the fact Lydia grew up to be a writer. She wasn't as big as Bill, considering she had only released her first book a few months back.

She hadn't exactly planned to write, she had lost motivation in writing a few years back but after Stan, Richie had convinced her to start up again.

Her book was about two kids, and how they fell for each other, of course her inspiration coming from her and Stan.

But they had the happy ending.

The question was, would Lydia and Stan have their happy ending?

Lydia took a deep breath and tore her eyes away from the spot on the wall she had been staring at as she thought.

She needed to pack.

She was going back to Derry.

She was going to figure out the answers to her questions.

PSA; don't stop reading because Stan and Lydia aren't together. Stan and Lydia still have a storyline, this is not the end.

I hope everyone is staying safe with everything going on in the world right now. If possible, can you please go to my profile and my most recent post/ comment thingy? (not entirely sure what its called) On there I have the link to the petition for George Floyd.

Black lives Matter.

And they deserve to be heard.

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