A Cup Of Coffee.

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MR. SHARMA ( Dadda)

I usually do this, it's at night when you can have some alone time with yourself. That's the time you concentrate on your hobbies and not your duties. Sometimes we think or just sit and absorb the quietness surrounding us, it calms us at least me. Currently, I am on my veranda sitting on the wooden bench, sipping a cup of filter coffee which I always miss when I am on my posting. Surfing through the internet and checking my mails, a thought came across my mind,

'How are the Girls?'

' Are they Fine?'

Without wasting much time I dialed Kreeya. Somehow I felt I shouldn't call Zara, don't know why?

She picked up after a few rings!!

-" Hey, Patlu!! " I said as soon I heard her pick

There was no reply from her, which normally doesn't happen. I took the phone away from my ears to see if the call is still on.

-" Hey Kree"

-" Hey Dadda!" came a soft voice from the other end

-" What's wrong? " There is something bothering her

-" Dadda, I was just sleeping!"

'Patlu I know your sleepy voice who are you trying to fool.' I wanted to ask but decided not to.

-" This early, don't you have a holiday tomorrow? You guys have a nice long weekend I thought you guys must be having a party!"

-" Yeah. I mean No!" She trailed.

Something is up!! She trailed only when either she is nervous or scared.

-" Sweetheart, you're okay right?" I asked again hoping she would open up, which she should unless... it's something very bad.

-" Yes, Dadda!"

-" Okay Sweety, you sleep. Take care. Good night!"

-" Good night" We end the call.

Something is wrong, there is something which they are hiding. I don't have a problem in them keeping secrets. Everything cannot be told to your parents and elders, and I respect that. My daughters are big enough to understand the difference between right and wrong, but this thing just doesn't feel right and the call proved it. It's very unusual for Kreeya to end the call so soon. She always has things to share.

I need to see them!! I know they need me!!

I rush inside the house to get my keys and a warm pullover. I should definitely reach by early morning but wait, ADDRESS! I don't know where they stay!! I was so busy with work that I don't know where my daughter stays.

I unlocked my phone to check if Menon is online. And he is!! Phew!!

'Hey!! I need the Goswami's Address!!. Urgent!'

'All Okay?'

'Hope so!! Just going to make sure of that'

' Wait!! I'll accompany'

' No!! You wait back, cover for me. I'll be back by late afternoon.'

' Okay, I'll message you the address, drive safe. Keep me updated.'

' I will'

I took the car drove towards Mumbai. Here I come.

In no time I was on the outskirts of the city. Pune ' The Oxford of the West!'

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