11 - Four letter word

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- Lilith's pov -

All I could think about where those green eyes. Why!? Why?!? Why?!? That emotion that I wouldn't name. How could I?


Why would the price. Anyone for that matter love a person like you. Your a criminal for crying out loud. Who has 500 dollars on there head and it keeps going up and up.

I just shook my head to myself as I reached the tavern as night fell over the village.

"Look who's back." Luna said as she gave me a look and walked to the bar with a handful of empty pints. "Good to see you too" I said and rolled my eyes as I followed her to the bar. Surprisingly it wasn't to packed of a house tonight like most nights here.

"So the prince hmmm" Jordan said and slid me a pint of beer. I gave him a look as I took a swig of it. "Which one." I shot back going in for another drink. He just rolled his eyes, as he filled up another glass of beer. He gave Luna the refills. He went to say something and stopped giving someone a look behind me.

I gave him a look back and turned around on the bar stool to see who he was eyeing.

Just my luck...

Dean had come in with Charlie like the first night we met. Same outfit and all. I rolled my eyes as turned back to my drink. "Is this seat taken." "No it isn't charming." I said as I looked at dean as he sit down. I got up when Charlie sit down on my left side.

Nope nope not being
stuck in the middle.

I walked away from the bar and stopped when someone grabbed my hand.


"Can we talk..?" I pulled my hand out of his grasp and walked towards the stairs to head up to the guest bedroom. I knew one thing for sure that he was going to follow me even if I said something. So why bother.

I barged into the room and stopped running a hair through my hair when I remembered I forgot the alcohol. I went to walk out but he had walked in and shit the door.

Great no booze to drown out the question and panic.

He look directly at me, like he was trying to find out what was up. I just rolled my eyes. "So what do you want to talk about your majesty? Hmm" I said giving him a look as he went and sat on the bed. "Um I don't really know..." he trailed off. "Yeah right. You don't have some speech or something. " I shot back giving him a look.

"Fine, I guess I wanted to talk to you about when you came and saw me in the castle. T-The kiss, the fact that you wanted to see ME." He emphasized the last bit. I just rolled my eyes as I sat down next to him.

Why would I tell him the truth
Because that was basically the truth
After seeing Dean I didn't check out the throne room at all or even tried to. I checked out the garden which wasn't heavily guarded or had any royals in sight.

"Because I just wanted to silly. Also the kiss because I just saw the look in your eye that you gave me. I just got a feeling that's all. Just like how when you came in the way you looked at me. Like you were looking for something. For some emotion or thought?" I asked him looking back into his green orbs. "I-um ah" I just chuckled as I flopped back so I was laying down on the bed. "You know you're cute Winchester, when you get like that."
I smiled slightly as his ears had a slight pinkish tint to them

He was blushing.
He had opened up himself to you

To you out of all people. Someone deep down there he did.

I snapped out of my haze as I thought I heard him say those three words more so whispered them. I tried to shake it off and got up. Leaving his side and sitting on the dresser in front of him still perched on the end of the bed. I put my thoughts that I was thinking about on the back burner. He didn't need to know. But those three words possibly escaping his lips kept replying over and over what it would sound like. It wouldn't stop. Till I finally blurted out.

"Me too." Was all I said finally breaking the silence that had formed throughout the room. He looked up quickly at my words, and gave me a look. I just gave him a smile back as I stared back into his forest green eyes. That any girl could get lost in. We both looked over each other and tried to see if that four letter word was true. I got down from where I was sitting on the dresser and walked over to Dean.

I put my hand on his cheek, he closed his eyes and leaned into the palm of my hand. The smile on his face seemed to grow wider. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. The emotions showing in those green orbs of his. Where ones that I was scared to name.

Because then it would be real. Who knows maybe this all wasn't. Maybe this isn't real. Maybe in the end it will just get blamed towards the crown. Towards the fact that I was a criminal and probably using him.

What are you doing to me
Dean Winchester

I thought as the inner battle started up inside my head.

- Deans Pov -

I looked at her, she looked like she's having a inner battle with herself. I frowned slightly as I intertwined our hands together. She still didn't respond.

fuck it.

I stood up and rapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to my chest and just held her. "It's okay if you don't really feel that way. It's alright I get it...I know who we are.. not the perfect pair for whatever but just-"
I was cut off by her crashing our lips together.

I'll make this work

We'll make this work

- - -
A/N - I don't know why I thought of it but just thought about some deancas moments during this chapter for some reason. Also I guess when this is out it's okay to say this.

Never mind I wasn't haha anyway here's just something for when I hit it whenever that comes

Thank you so much for 60 reads. It's just crazy to me and I couldn't be more thankful. I know it's kinda slow right now but things are coming ;)

Also was just kinda in soft hours when I wrote this so just felt like writing some soft stuff. :) </3

In bold update- May 16, 2020

we hit it even if it's like a small ass little goal I still just ah am emOTIONal

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