16 - Deal

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- Deans pov -

It had only been a two day since she and the stabbington brothers had stolen the crown. The kingdom was in a panic. It had been years since it had been this hectic in the castle. So many rumors and hushed words were going around.Even though the stabbington brothers were up there. Mainly most of the comments were about Lilith. My father would have killed me if he had found out. But I really didn't care and was happy that she was out. She was out there some where and not rotting under ground. As much as I hated to think about it as days went by which turned into weeks. More troops were sent out to look for her. Because of this it was hard to sneak out and go to the tavern or around town in the day time. Even to the forest just for a walk.

I thought about when Lilith left me after "kidnapping." My parents reaction to it. They were mainly mad. For the guards that were on duty not doing there job. That they didn't catch Lilith yet and basically thought that they let her go. Never catching my the facade that I put up when they talked about her. What she was charged against. Daily updates on where they last saw her. What that bar keep and waitress knew about her. In these past couple of nights I couldn't sleep. Thoughts of her gone or worse...


Never left my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about her. My heart ached to see her so bad. It killed me. Sam had clearly picked up on that and tried his best to be there for me. But in the end we both know it wouldn't do much good as days went on. There was still no sign of her.

I sighed as I walked out on to the balcony. I looked out over the garden as the sun was blocked by some clouds overhead. I closed my eyes as I thought about her. I opened them as I thought I saw her. But blinked and she was no where to be seen.

It's just in your head.

I closed my eyes again as I took a deep breath in and out. I gripped the metal railing tightly, I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands. My knuckles were white. I looked back out at the garden. That's when it hit me.

Her cabin.

Yes it was stupidly risky, with the coronation coming up soon. But I promised myself I would do anything for her. I would see those crystal blue eyes again of hers if I had to do fight my way through guards. I nodded to myself as I walked back into my room and grabbed my cloak. As well as my sword, and I walked out of my room. I shut the door behind me as I started walking down the stone hallway towards the stables.

- no ones pov -

The Stabbington brothers were bickering like usual. Once again talking about the girl that got away with the prized jewel. "Once I get my hands on Smith. I'll kill em." The older brother said sternly. "We can cut her off at the tavern that she usually goes to." The older brother said and smirked. The younger brother smirked back and nodded. Both men started to walk off and stopped. They turned around quickly and took out there swords. They pointed it at the figure that was behind them.

"Hello boys. Perhaps you want to stop acting like wild dogs and think for a moment. An theres no need for that." Rowena said gesturing to the swords that both brothers were holding. They still kept them out and watched her form as she took a step closer to them. "What do you want bitch!" The oldest said sternly at the redhead women. "I've come here to make a deal." Before one of the brothers could speak she continued.

"The king had sent me to find you boys."

"Why isn't he here himself. If he wants to make a deal" The youngest said sternly. "Oh boys, he has a kingdom to run. I thought you lug heads were smarter than this." She rolled her eyes and continued "he wants the crown just as much as you do."

"So what he just wants us to do his bidding to get his sons sweet precious crown back. No." The oldest said sternly. She laughed and looked at both the brothers. "This would come out to 1,000 crowns and that wasn't even the best part. But if you boys aren't up for it then enjoy bickering." She waved to them and stared to leave.

"what is it."

"It comes with revenge on Ruby Smith. His oldest is good on hiding a lot but when it comes to her. He's noticed somethings, he wants her more then ever to be captured then hanged." She turned to look back at them and smirked. Both brothers at the same time remembered the way that Ruby had stopped in the garden. The way that she stared at the heir.


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