22 - The plan

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I looked over at Sam and he smiled reassuringly as he got off his horse. It's been 24 hours since Lilith been captured. I stood there forzen like a statue as I looked at the cabin.

Her cabin.

The memories came rushing back and washed over me like a giant wave.

"What we had was nothing. It was a mistake. We both know this wouldn't have lasted long. You can't lie to me Winchester on that. Did you really think I loved you..?"

"Hiya charming." I snapped out of my thoughts as I looked around the woods frantically.


"Dean..DEAN!!" I snapped out of my thoughts as Sam grabbed both of my shoulders and yelled at me. "Sam I heard her..." I whispered as I held back tears. Sam hugged me and we stayed like that for a minute or to. I would never admit to him how much I needed that. I was the one to pull away first. I looked down at the ground and wiped some tears that fell. I looked up at him and nodded.

It was time.

He gave me one last look before walking inside. I looked around the woods once more then walked inside the cabin. I ignored the look that Charlie gave me as she stopped talking with Sam when I entered. I walked over to the head of the table and everyone gathered around.

"Thank you all for coming." I said as I looked at everyone. "Getting right to the point what we know right now, is that Jordan, and Luna are targets. If not already are going to be arrested and taken in. From what Charlie heard. They are both known for helping her bail out of jail previous times."

"So there off the game board. Not to be forward or rude. But what's the plan your highness." Iris said and looked at me from across the table. I looked at Sam and nodded. Sam put down the map that he was holding and rolled it out for all to see. "This is a map of the-"

"The castle yes." Sam finished Ariel sentence. "This is a map of the castles grounds. Here is the prison." He paused and pointed that part of the map. "From what I've heard she's been in a interrogation room since she got arrested." I felt Charlie's eyes on me as she spoke. My hands clenched into fists. Think about what my son of a bitch of a father was doing to her. Why she was in an interrogation room, in the first place.

He would pay if he laid a finger on her.

I could feel all eyes where on me as silence came over the room. Sam was the one to break the silence. "From what you guys and Charlie said theres another gallows set up out in the woods that you saw when leaving the ball. Most likely it will be there." I looked at Sam, he glared back and looked back at the sirens.

That was his great ending for her...

She was to be hanged.

"So the plan is for you and whoever you can round up to help keep look out and stop guards from coming with Charlie."

"I don't know if some of my girls will agree, some of them have bad blood with her and especially with the knights. I'll try the best I can. Will stand with you like I said that knight. Will get your girl back Dean." Iris said and looked from Sam to me. She smiled slightly reassuringly. Ariel, Anna, and Maria nodded in agreement.

She would probably never believe that I got them all together ha..

"Thank you ladies. While your keeping watch Sam and I will take down any guards. Save her before it's to late. Sam will grab her while I take care of our dad." I finally spoke up and took my eyes of the map.

"What! No Dean! Your not going up against Dad alone!" Sam shouted and looked at me.

"Sam! He's going to kill the lady that I love. Who knows what else he has done and will do to her before that. I need to do this Sammy." I shouted and pleaded him. I watched him as he clearly was upset and frustrated as he ran a hair through his hair and took a step back from the table.

I needed to do this.

I was about to say something, but then a knock rang threw the cabin. A knock on the door. We all looked at each other as we heard another knock on the door. I put a finger up to my lips as I quietly walked towards the door.

Someone had to open it right.

I took a deep breath and put on hand on my sword ready to take it out just in case. My other on the knob. My stomach was doing somersaults. It felt like my heart was going to be out of my chest.

It could be her..
she could have gotten out
She would be safe again

She would be with me again. I could see those beautiful blue eyes of hers and that beautiful smile that she hides.

I finally opened the door and looked at the figure standing on the other end in surprised and slightly relieved that it wasn't a guard. "Castiel..." I asked as I looked at the blue eyed prince. I opened the door just enough to get past without revealing the others in the room. I shut the door behind me and smiled slightly. "Hello Dean. I saw you and your brother and decided to follow. I wanted to say goodbye."

"Thanks. Safe travels." I said and gave him a tight smile as I patted him on the shoulder.

"Uh Dean..who are they.." he asked as I followed his gaze to the window. All four sirens, Charlie, and Sam were looking out the window.

IDIOTS!?!? I'm going to kill them...

"There with us! There with us Cas." I quickly replied knowing that he was probably talking about the sirens. I turned away and opened up the door for him to walk in.

"Hey Castiel.." Sam said awkwardly. I watched as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Please can I talk to you two alone." I gritted my teeth. I looked at Sam and Charlie and motioned towards the door. I watched them both as they walked outside. I looked at the rest of the girls, and Cas. I smiled slightly and then walked out of the cabin. I made my exit known, when I saw the look Sam gave me.

I rolled my eyes. "We don't need to drag him into this. It's cas guys. Come on." I said as I looked at the two of them.

Cas was basically a baby.

"Well Dean...we have no one set up in the castle. This probably isn't a death that your father would keep your mother in her room. Not like you and possibly Sam.." Charlie said and looked at me.

I went to say something but Sam cut me off. "Dean..Charlie's right. Most likely will be put on watch duty. Mom will probably be free range." I gave Sam a pissed off look back in return. I shook my head and looked down at the ground. As much as I hated to admit it they were right. He would probably focus on us more than mom. "Fine..I hate it but fine.." I looked at them once again. Sam and Charlie nodded in response. I sighed as I turned around and walked into the cabin.

"Cas- oh look their braiding each other's hair...." I said annoyed as I walked over to him and Maria.

"Hey! Hey! You two break it up!" I said as I pulled Cas away from Maria. She smirked and winked at me. I followed her gaze and noticed that my hand was still on Castiel's shoulder. I shot her a look back and she smirked more. I took my hand off of Cas's shoulder and took a step back.

"Cas, we need your help to watch our mom..." I said as I looked at him.

"Dean, my people skills are a little rusty."

"We need you right now." I said and looked at everyone in the room and then back to Cas. "I need you..." I trailed off and looked at the table. He sighed and looked at the table with the map. "Fine. I'll do it." I looked back up at him and put my hand on his shoulder.
I smiled slightly before turning back to the table with a map of the castle's grounds.

"Alright. Two princes, one knight, four fugitives." I paused when I saw the looks the girls shot me. I coughed and adverted my gaze from them. "Four badass ladies, and a new king." I paused once again as I looked at everyone. "What could go wrong..?"

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳              {𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦!𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘯}Where stories live. Discover now