19 - You won't regret it

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- Deans pov -

I sighed and looked down at the papers and forms to sign off on. I opened up a drawer in my desk and grabbed a bottle of emergency booze that I thankfully had stocked up on. I closed my eyes as I felt the familiar burning liquid go down my throat. I let out a breath after finishing up a good swig. I put the cap back on the bottle and put it back tucked away in the drawer.

This was my new normal.
I hated it but at least
I would keep her promise.

I had a kingdom to lead.
I would change the way things are run.
Be a better king than my father was.

I looked back down at the papers scattered over my desk. The image of her table scattered with papers and all of her stuff flashed before my eyes. I held my head in my hands and closed my eyes. Just like every single day the memories of her flooded back.

They cut like a knife every time.
Those piercing blue eyes
Those sleepless nights
Nightmare after nightmare

I opened my eyes quickly when someone knocked on my door. I looked down at the papers and stacked them up into a pile. I grabbed them and took them with me as I answered the door. Instantly, regretting not checking myself in the mirror before answering the door. I gave Morgana the papers and she traded them out for new ones.

Great. More papers...

I gave her a fake smile, and she smiled back. I shut the door and sighed. It never stops does it.

- Lilith's pov -

"Good work today ladies." I said and smiled as I retrieved arrows from the targets. Most of them nodded and left the room. "Some seems right at home again." I turned to look at Iris behind me. I rolled my eyes as I walked past her and put the arrows where they needed to be. I ended up getting my old job back, training some girls had to fight and use certain weapons. Maria has stepped down at least while I was still here. The original thought of what I was going to use and do with the crown left my mind a long time ago.

Before I could say something back to Iris, Maria came running into the room.
"Hey hey what's up..?" I asked softly as I looked at her then to Iris. She stopped and caught her breath. "S-Someones here to see you. It's important." I gave her a confused look.

Who would be here to see me..other than guards to take me to the castles prison.

Dean wouldn't come either...

I thought about who it could be as I followed Maria. "Sam..." I said as I looked at the youngest prince. Not the ones I was thinking about, but still surprising.

"Hi, Lilith if that even if your name. I came to talk..." He looked at Maria and Iris then back at me. "It's okay you can go. He's good." I listened to the sound of Maria and Iris's footsteps as they walked off back inside. I turned my head slightly to look back before I heard the door shut behind me. I turned my focus back on to Sam.

This was probably no good.
Trouble written all over it probably
Probably something that will throw me back in the dungeons there at the castle.

"It's Dean.." he said hesitantly and quickly continued once I faced him a angry look. "I know you both aren't on good terms but just hear me out." I turned around and ran a hand through my hair.

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled then I turned back to Sam and gave him a death glare.

"I know your mad and upset that he told me. I know. But he had good reason too.. Charlie and I are the only. The only ones who know about you to and your breakup. I promise." I rolled my eyes as he gave me that puppy dog look.

"That son of a bitch..hasn't been sleeping, putting up higher walls, fake smiles, not letting me in, hell he's done every form, question, outfit fittings, and you name if for the coronation and the ball. He hasn't complained or said a thing like usual. He always used to hate that stuff." Sam paused and chuckled slightly.

I could picture him hating that.
Lilith we're supposed to be still mad at him you idiot. You were supposed to hate the royals.

Hate the brothers.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw a tear roll down Sam's cheek. "I just can't stand the rumors lingering about the castle talking about him....I-I just see him like that anymore.." I sighed and looked at Sam.

What have the Winchester done to you...

"He needs you."

"What can I do." Those 4 words that would be the make or break for me.

He smiled back weakly at me, I just shook my head slightly and he smiled more. "Don't make me regret this Winchester." As much as I didn't like Sam. Somewhere deep down we could be friends.

"I won't, I promise. Neither will he." I gave him a small smile back and he continued on. "As you know, Dean's coronation is coming up." I nodded and he kept going. "So after the coronation and all my dad just like with our birthdays is doing a ball."

"Wait, you have balls for your birthday." I laughed and soon died out. Sam gave me a bitch face really look. "Continue on.." I said and grinned. He just rolled his eyes and finished explaining the plan.

Another castle trip fun...

I watched him as he took out a piece of paper from his pocket. "Maps of the ballroom. Exits in case things go down. My brother would lose it if something happened to you. He really loves you." The last bit that Sam said played over and over.

He really loves you.

I grabbed the maps from him and looked down at them. I tried my best to keep the tears at bay. Not wanting to let my guard down. "Charlie and I have your back through the entire night. As well as for your girls too. After all it's open for all the villagers...criminals included." He smirked and I playfully punched him in the shoulder. He laughed and I chucked.

"Thanks Sam...no get off before your parents kill you and Dean gets suspicious. We wouldn't want that already close to judgement day huh."

"Yeah..I guess so." He looked down and then back at me.

Way to kill the mood...

I kicked myself mentally for that move. I watched the youngest Winchester walk away towards the forest. He stopped and turned around and waved. I waved back and saw him smile. I felt a smile itch on my lips as he started walking off again. I looked around the forest and saw what looked  like a red head.

Charlie probably came with him..

I thought as I turned around and went back inside. Heading towards the main room to share my news.

We were invited to the Kings ball.

- no ones pov -

What she didn't know is Sam had came to the sirens home base alone.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳              {𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦!𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘯}Where stories live. Discover now