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Inspired by S9 Ep14 of Criminal Minds

It was a late night with the wind blowing fiercely. Y/N had just finished helping the Winchesters with their difficult case. She worked in an office building, despite being a hunter. They had used the company's computers to research till they found what they needed. She gathered her things and made her way to the front of the building. The moonlight shone on her as she panicked to grab her ringing phone. She accidentally dropped her phone in the water fountain and as she went to grab it, she was immediately blindfolded and gagged. All that was left behind was her now dead phone in the water fountain.

Dean slams his fist on the table, making Sam jump. Dean continues to call Y/N's phone, getting more worried as it keeps going to voicemail. Y/N always called either of the brothers when she made it home so the brothers always took it seriously she didn't answer. Even if she was sleeping when they called, she eventually ended up calling them back. Dean had suggested that she move into the Bunker but she lightly refused, wanting to live on her own Dean wanted her close to them 24/7 and hated the idea that something awful could happen to her whilst she was alone. Dean grew too overprotective of her, which in hindsight made Y/N refuse his offer. She believed he was going to control her every move and be overly cautious, more than he was now. Sam cared awful about her too but always thought Dean's overly cautious attitude was scaring her away.

Dean knew something was wrong when she didn't call back after 4 missed calls. Sam just continued his work on the laptop before he decided to ask what the hell was wrong with his brother.

"Everything okay?" Sam asks his brother as he shuts his laptop.
"Y/N isn't picking up her phone. She was supposed to call when she got home," Dean says in a gruff voice, "damnit. I'm calling Charlie. Maybe she can get a hold of her."
"Take a breather. You need to be as clear-minded as ever if something did happen," Sam suggests, "I'll call Charlie."


Y/N was being held prisoner in the middle of nowhere. She was unconscious in a wooden chair, bounded by her hands and feet with some thick rope. She had been kidnapped by a group of angels seeking a certain someone. They believed Y/N knew of this person and wanted to get the information out of her, one way or the other. After a few minutes, Y/N came and immediately began to panic as all she could see was nothing but blackness. The sound of a huge metal door opening catches her off guard as she tries to break free from the ropes. The sound of dress shoes tapping the floor is heard approaching her. Suddenly, she is blinded by the huge light that sits above her but her eyes adjust, making out the blurred figure in front of her.

"Where's the archangel?" The angel asked quite calmly, backing up so she could see him. Y/N mumbles, being restricted by a cloth stuffed into her mouth. The angel chuckles as he hurriedly removes it. "I'll say it again. Where is she?" He says in a more monotone voice.
"Eat me," Y/N says out of breath.

The archangel they were seeking was told to be a myth until the whole world felt her celestial aura. It shook both Heaven and Hell. The angels were told of a legendary archangel, made to the exact image of God, powers and all. She ended up becoming better than God himself. As Death told Dean one time, "God too can die", this archangel can't and won't die, unlike the rest of the celestial world. She was completely immortal, nothing like the archangel blade or a normal angel blade could kill her.

The angels hated her powers and sought out revenge, killing anyone and everyone who ended up in their way. It didn't matter to them if they did have information about her, they just killed them as a source of entertainment. The angel throws a punch at her in retaliation for her answer. The punch managed to knock Y/N out again.

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