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Dean slams the trunk of the Impala loudly, shaking the whole car itself. I could tell he was exhausted as he rested against the car. Sam was passed out completely in the passenger seat as I cleaned all my weapons with a rag, listening to the soft Led Zeppelin music in the background. After awhile, Dean didn't come sit down so I decided to join him outside. I carefully shut the door as to not wake up Sam. Dean just stared at the gravel below.

"When was the last time we went to a bar?" He questions as we lay against on the trunk.
"Few months ago, if I remember correctly. Thanks to the bunker, we've got all the beer we need there."
"Should we go to a bar? Maybe get you someone to hook up with?" He raises his eyebrows up and down as he elbows me.

We contemplated it for a while. We were all tired after doing three small cases back to back. We hadn't slept since yesterday morning and not even less than two hours from now, we were gonna hit being awake for a full 24 hours without sleeping. We just stood there, talking whatever came to mind, still deciding whether or not to go drink or sleep.

"Can you guys keep it down?" I hear Sam's groggy voice call out.
"Morning Sammy," Dean says, "Y/N suggested going to a bar. You up for it?"
"A bar? Doesn't sound too bad," Sam yawned, "I could use just a little buzz."

Dean looks at me, hoping for a yes. I sigh and nod in agreement. Dean silently cheers to himself as we get inside of the car again.

"We just need a little drink to sleep better," Dean chuckles, "ain't that right, Y/N/N?"

Dean starts up the Impala and turns up the music, purposely making it loud so Sam doesn't fall asleep again. By the look on Sam's face, he for sure regretted his decision as Dean began to drive and sing at the same time.


We were able to reach a bar. It took us about 15 minutes to get here because Dean kept getting lost and wouldn't listen to me giving directions. All three of us walk in, everyone turning to look at us. It went quiet for a second but then, they all turned their attention back to what they were doing.

"Wow, what a way to make the whole room stare, Y/N," Dean complimented.
"Sure is," I giggle.

We walk up to the bar, sitting at the farthest end of the table. A young man makes his way over to us, cleaning off some glass bottles.

"How are we doing tonight? What can I do for you three today?" he asks.
"Just three beers, please. Budweiser," I reply.
"Sure thing." In just a minute, he comes back to us with the three beers in his hands. He hands each one of us a glass. "Anything for you?" he asks me, clearly flirting with me. "I got all I need right here," I say as I lift my beer in the air, "thanks though."

He scurries away. I've got three men in my heart. The Winchesters and Castiel. I don't need any more men to follow me around like a lost puppy. I chat with the brothers as I sip away on my beer.

"...The thing that scared me most was they just kept coming. Werewolves are supposed to multiple in an instant," Sam says as he sips his beer.

I hum in response as I noticed some girls in Sam's direction that were staring. The brunettestarted to unbutton her blouse a bit.  Not even a minute later, the two girls come up to the brothers, the brunette one shoving her cleavage right in Sam's face.

"You two look like you need some company," the ginger one says lustfully, taking a seat right on Dean's lap.
"Um, we're good, ladies. Just having a drink," Sam nervously replies.
"You sure about that, pretty hair?" the brunette questions as she twirls a piece of Sam's hair around her finger, "I'm all open for you."

I signal the young man and tell him to give him a few shots of the strongest whiskey they carried. He questioned me but I reassured him I'd be fine. I listened as the girls spoke stupidities to the brothers, feeling them all over. I was surprised Dean wasn't enjoying the attention as he always fell into temptation with any girl. After downing all the shots of whiskey, I cleared my throat loud enough for them to hear me.

"You two clearly don't care about boundaries," I spoke up, "the boys ain't having it, ladies."
"Pfft, shut the fuck up. You don't know," the ginger one spits, "you're mine, right, baby?"
"They're not interested in low-life whores like you," I add, "especially the ones that have been passed around like you."

Dean's eyes widened as I straight up insulted the girls, in front of their faces. The two moved their attention from them to me.

"What the hell did you just say to me, you bitch?" the brunette says.
"You heard me, whore. They don't want to sleep with you. You probably stink down there," I continue, "no one wants a fishy girl."
"You little-!" She went to grab me by my hair but was stopped by her friend. She was inches away from me and all I did was just laugh in her face.

"Good thing your friend stopped you from getting your ass handed to you. Leave before you regret it," I chuckle.
"This isn't over, you piece of shit!"

The two girls leave, the brunette screaming and screaming profanities, trying to escape her friend's grasps. They're my family and if anything makes them feel uncomfortable, I will make me uncomfortable too. Dean tries to take one more peek but I slap his arm. "Ow. You're so mean," he says as he rubs his arm. "A thank you would be nice," I groan. "Thanks, Y/N/N," Sam tells me. I smile at him, feeling quite proud of myself.

"Hey kid!" I shout at the young male. He rushes over again, handing me more shots of whiskey. After some time, I heard someone whistle behind me. Two men approached me, wearing matching biker vests. A biker club by the name of "Iron Horsemen." I rolled my eyes as one took position on each side of me. The smell of cigarettes wafting by my nostrils.

"Well well well. What have we here?" The bearded one spoke. I held in my laughter. "A true diamond in the middle of stone," the tattooed one added. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and blew his cigarette breath into my face. I cough loudly on purpose in his face. "What's the matter? Can't handle a little cigarette breath?" The tattoo guy says with a toothy smirk.

"Get off," I say strongly. I take his arm off my shoulders. "Not so fast baby. You're coming home with him." He then proceeds to forcefully remove me from my chair and pulls me towards him. He leans in, wanting to kiss me but before he could, I just punched him right in the face. He stumbles back a little as he closes his eyes, Igo ahead and proceed to twist his arm behind his back. It brings him down to the floor where I punch him repeatedly until he's unable to stand up. This then causes his whole gang to stand up. The adrenaline was now coursing through my veins so I didn't mind a little more action.

"Bring it on, muchachos. Your little bro got beat by a woman. He ain't no man," I boasted.

They all rush to me and I do a roundhouse kick. Most of them fall and I punch them. Two were running in opposite directions to hit me. When they were close enough, I ducked and they hit each other, each of them falling back on impact. I grab someone's arm and throw him behind me, breaking a table. Even I was shocked I could lift a man that size. The remaining, I just handled normally. The last guy just surrendered immediately upon seeing the pile of testosterone in the middle of the room.

"Take this as a lesson, boy. Don't ever force a lady to sleep with you," I tell him, "you got it?"
"Yes ma'am, " he says softly, "sorry ma'am."
"You better be sorry," I mumble.

The Winchesters and the whole bar was now staring at me. A few seconds of silence before an uproar of applause and cheers are heard. I was confused as to why but didn't mind the praise. The weakened bikers make their way out the bar, calling me names as one by one exit the building. I didn't pay them any mind as I continued to sip my last whiskey as a reward.

"How the hell did you do that?!" Dean chortles, "That was so awesome!"
"It wasn't that big of a deal. Anyways," I reply, "sorry about the table. Take $500 plus $100 for tip."

I walk away, feeling even more at peace than when I came in here. The brothers stuck behind, looked around and Dean said, "Remind me to never get on her bad side again."
"I'm cool with that."

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