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"How is she, Doctor?" Your aunt Cindy asks.
"She went into a coma, Ms. Jensen. She was found near an abandoned warehouse. Took a massive blow to the head," the doctor reports.

You went out on a hunt by yourself, something that you never do. You were fighting against two werewolves, not realizing that you had fallen into their trap. There were 5 other werewolves, waiting to ambush you when you were least expecting it. One of them slammed a metal chair on your head, knocking you out and making you bleed out. They left you out in an alley by an abandoned warehouse. A good Samaritan found you before it began to rain and brought you into the emergency room. After multiple tests, the doctors determined you were comatose due to the massive blow to your head. So far, only your aunt has come to visit you. You couldn't hear anything and you so desperately wanted to. Your aunt had raised you outside of the hunting community due to your parents dying because of the community. She didn't want to bury another body so she dedicated herself to raising you as normal as possible.

Unfortunately, her ex-husband, Bobby Singer had introduced you to the world by killing a real-life manifestation of the bogeyman who hid under your bed every night. That's why she ended up divorcing him: to continue to keep you out of the blue of the supernatural. But to her misfortune, you were always called towards to the supernatural and ended up going on multiple hunts with your Uncle Bobby. To this day, your aunt doesn't understand why, and now, you are in the hospital because of the supernatural. Little did your aunt know, your boyfriend Benny was next door. She also had to come to terms with the fact that he was a vampire but she grew to love him as she saw how happy you were with him.

Benny was visiting Dean, a fellow hunter friend that your Uncle Bobby introduced you to years ago. He had gotten into an accident with some vampires. Your aunt was always your number-one emergency contact and you had no one else. Benny didn't even realize that you were in the same hospital and right next door to Dean as he only came from one side only.

"How are you feeling?" Benny asks Dean as he places a burger on Dean's tray.
"Crap," Dean says, "at least this burger will make me feel better."

Benny looks down at his phone. He was waiting for a call from you. Dean had noticed this and saw that it was every 5 minutes he'd look down at the screen.

"Why the hell do you keep looking at your phone so much?" Dean questions as he takes a bite from the burger.
"I'm waiting for Y/N, my girlfriend, to call me. She said she was gonna on a hunt. Werewolves," Benny replies, worry coating his every word.
"As in Y/F/N?" Benny nods as a response. "I know her. She's been a family friend. How come she never told me about you two? Or how come you didn't?"
"She wanted to keep it between us... Only her aunt Cindy knows about us."

Benny was getting extremely worried. He couldn't shake the feeling off of him. You always called after you were done with your hunt. Clearly, it hasn't clicked in yet for him. He just knew something wasn't right.

"What if she's hurt? Or worse, dead?" Benny whispers, biting the inside of his cheek. You meant the whole world to Benny and to lose you would be endgame for him. He couldn't lose you and he wasn't going to. "How about you take a breather, Ben? I'll be okay. Plus, I have a hot nurse," Dean says softly, winking at him.

He nods lightly as he slowly stands to his feet. This time, he went left of Dean's room instead of going right. As he slowly made his way down the hall, he noticed your aunt's beach-blonde hair. He tried to recognize who was in the bed cause he knew for sure that the hair belonged to your aunt. As he approached the window, he saw you, skin pale and huge raccoon eyes.

"Cindy?" he whispers as he opens the door. She looks behind her, a gentle smile on her face. The two quickly rush into each other's arms, Benny feeling the warmth of her hug. "What happened?" he whispers in her ear.

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