𝘚𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘈 𝘋𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘐

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"Took you long enough to see your family," Hunter, my eldest brother says as he puts out his cigar, "you owe me a Montecristo."
"I see you got my gift," Hayden, my other brother, adds with a smirk. I was holding the corpse of a bird and said, "If you can call taxidermy a gift, then yeah, I got it. You sick fuck."

I don't know how much longer I can keep this secret from the Winchesters. It's killing me from the inside.

"Hey, don't worry about your boy toy, sis. You're doing just fine. Just a little longer and bam! We got them," Hunter tells me.
"We knew Sammy boy couldn't resist you, Y/N. The plan is working just fine," my other brother, Jackson adds, "the looks run in the family."

Jackson menacingly twirls a knife around his fingers as he makes his way over towards me where he then lightly drags it down my jaw. We're not biologically related but we all share the same fate. We were slaves to Crowley and the only way we'd be freed was to lead the Winchesters right to him. We were all taken together and it's been centuries since we've under his control. The way Jackson looked at me was making signals go off in my head.

"And even I can't resist you, Y/N...," he whispers.
"Um, Hayden?" I called out as the tension between us was becoming unbearable.
"Dude! Hands off the merchandise!" Hayden shouts, "She's your sister, for crying out loud."

Jackson backed away but rested his knife right near my neck. He could kill me right now but I know he wouldn't. He returns to his original seat next to Hunter who then smacks his head in annoyance. The longer I sat here, the more potential my brothers had to lure the Winchesters to Crowley. I couldn't just sit here and wait for it all to happen. Not even a minute passes and all three of them stand up, grabbing guns and knives.

"It's not time yet but, better be prepared for it. Let's go, boys. Have a great time waiting," Hayden states, "try not to be in the way."
"Wait!" I shout as they walk towards the stairs.

I tried to run after them but couldn't move any further. I was inches away from the stairs. I then look up to the ceiling and see a devil's trap painted on it. They knew I'd show up and now are preventing me from doing anything. "Like I said, have fun waiting!" Hayden cackles. Their evil chuckles faded as they went upstairs and slammed the big metal door shut. I then soon realized they also left their hellhounds to guard me and make sure I wouldn't escape. They surrounded me like a pack of predators, ready to pounce if I dared move an inch. I just wanted to be free from Crowley's grasp... this was the worst way to go about doing it.

*Sam's POV*
"Dean. Have you seen Y/N?," I ask as I step into the map room, "her car's not in the garage and she's not picking up."
"She said she was going out but didn't tell me for how long," Dean tells me, "but I'm sure she's fine."
"And she didn't bother to tell me? Her boyfriend?" I say, kind of annoyed.
"Relax. At least she's not cheating on you," Dean says to comfort me.

All of a sudden, I was flung against the wall so hard that it gave me mini whiplash. The whole room was filled with black fog and I could see Dean being flung across the room too. The fog cleared and a trio of brunette men stood right in the middle of the room, the tallest one being the one holding us against the wall.

"Sammy Winchester. Little sister's honey," he chuckles, "it's refreshing to see the infamous Winchester being pinned by a demon." His eyes flashed black for a second as he slammed me one more time against the wall.

"What did you do with Y/N?!" I shout.
"Oh, she didn't tell you 'cause it's too secret," he chortles, "She's a demon, Sammy Boy. One of the best around."
"No! Impossible! You're lying!" I shout angrily, "She would've told me!"
"Sorry to break it to you buddy. Truth hurts," he adds, "but now, it's time to take you to Crowley."

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