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Jared and I came out to eat some Chinese together. It had been a while since we had a one-on-one with each other and Jared wanted to talk to me about the event that was happening a few days from now. His silliness got the best of him as he stuck two chopsticks in his mouth, making weird walrus noises. He started getting weird looks from the people in the restaurant, some teenage boys pointed and laughed as they recorded him.

"You're acting like a child," I giggle, "and stop it 'cause people are looking at you."
"But you like that," he teases, "and I don't care if people see me. I stared at anyways for being famous."

I roll my eyes playfully, knowing it is true. He flips his hair dramatically before laughing at his stupidity. With the same chopsticks, Jared returns to eating his chicken and broccoli. He then quickly sneaks a bite of my food, smiling so innocently as if he didn't do anything. I smack his hand as he begins to go in for the second bite.

"You should've gotten what I did if you're gonna be eating it," I say.
"I didn't know it was gonna be that good! You always pick the good stuff."

He then proceeds to talk to me about the major event happening. It's just generally a huge party for everyone involved with the Supernatural franchise is what I was getting from him. I guess the higher-ups decided that they needed to make everyone feel extra special just by throwing a huge party. No award ceremony, no paid paparazzi, just having fun altogether.

"So, I was wondering if you had a date," Jared then says, stuffing a broccoli into his mouth.
"I do, actually," I say, quickly showing him a picture of the guy, "his name is Josh. I've been talking to him for a while now. I think this is a perfect opportunity for you and the others to meet him."

*Jared's POV*
Holy shit, she's got a date. I did not account for this. Um, what the hell am I gonna do? I was planning on asking her.

"JJ, you okay?" her voice calls out, pulling me from my thoughts. She smiles at me, tugging at my heartstrings.
"Uh? Yeah. I was thinking about something," I mumble, "anyway, I hope this guy treats you well. I'll be ready with my fists and or a baseball bat."

She chuckles at me, looking into my eyes. This little hangout would probably be the last one together. I could never look at her in the eyes like this ever again. She was so incredibly beautiful and the way she just glows even more when she smiles is unbearable, in a good way. We enjoy the rest of our food, laughing and snorting at anything and everything. It was growing late and she was about to call an Uber when I stopped her.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing?" I laugh.
"Calling an Uber, Padlecki," she giggles.
"I picked you up and I'll be the one to take your time home," I tell her, "remember how I used to do that back in high school? Your mom was always by the door."

She laughs as I implanted those memories into her mind. I always tried to make her the happiest girl in the world. Her laugh was like music to my ears and it helped me relax, knowing she was safe in my arms. And like I promised, I soon dropped her off at home. Her roommate, Shelby, was just smoking outside when we arrived.

"Hey, Gigantor!" she shouts as she waves.
"Hey, Shelby!" I shout back.
"Thanks again for the food. I appreciate you taking me out of the house for a while," Y/N says softly, "maybe we can hang out tomorrow?"
"Definitely," I reply, feeling all the butterflies in my stomach jump and spin all over the place.

She kissed my cheek before she headed uphill to her roommate. The two waves as I began to drive away. My face was incredibly hot after her soft kiss. But then, I remembered her date and realized that it shouldn't mean anything more to me. It was just probably a friendly kiss to show her appreciation. Well, I guess it's time for Plan B.

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