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Couple Days Later - Morning
I knock on Haliey's door, the ex-girlfriend of the deceased boy named Lucas. She opens the door and tears are streaming down her face. Her mascara was runny and her lipstick was all over the place. She just stared at me as she held back her sobs.

"Hi, Miss Hailey, sorry to be this person but I'm Agent Williams. I know you've already spoken to the police but I was wondering if you could tell me more information," I say softly, showing her my badge, "this case has become serial and we need every detail if possible."
"Uh, yeah yeah. No problem," she squeaks, "come in."

She led me to her living room where her mom was. I introduced myself properly and showed her my badge. She began to lecture Haliey but I intervened, letting her know she needed to be in a somewhat good mental state to be able to talk. Her mom rolled her eyes and left the living room in a rush. The poor girl was distressed and it seemed like she was sleeping in the living room. I observed the room a little more, seeing piles of trash bags filled with tissues. The box of them on the coffee table was soon to run out as well.

"Are you okay with talking about his death?" I softly say, inching myself closer to her.
"Not really but if the Feds need to know who his killer is, I'll do anything," she cried.

She went into detail about the day of his death. She said they didn't listen to the police warnings and she as well as a group of friends decided to camp out that same night. Lucas and she shared a room and the whole time, Lucas was trying to get in her pants. Hailey goes on to describe the clammy feeling she felt as she saw the lights shut off suddenly. The moon was shining straight through the window and on the wall, she detailed a shadow appearing. Tall with some sort of hat that formed.

She panicked and went on to point it out to Lucas. Lucas didn't pay attention to it and just continued his little naughty ways. Hailey then tells me she went to the restroom as she couldn't shake the feeling of upcoming doom and it made her super nervous. When she came back to their shared room, she saw him shirtless and lying in his pool of blood. She counted 23 stabbings, according to her.

"I don't even know if there was someone else in the house beside us," she sobbed, "I shouldn't have left him."

She began to hysterically cry, wailing and slightly screaming. I thanked her for her time as her mom came back, a little worry written over her face. I excused myself and as soon as I hit the porch, my phone began to ring.

Esme: Esme, here.
Bobby: hey Esme, I've got some information that might be useful.
E: Hit me, Bobby.
B: Apparently, the four teenagers have some dark pasts that no one knows about.
E: um, okay. Like what kind of a secret could they be holding?
B: Madeline, Lucas and the other two teenagers were part of a satanic ritual. Madeline posted about it to a secret blog and she even uploaded a photo.
E: so, you think there could be more victims? Maybe the entity they summoned through the ritual is now out for cold blood?
B: sounds more logical. I'll have someone shoot you the link and see if you can find more of the group that was there.
E: Roger that, Singer. I'll call with any updates.

I hang up the call as Bobby says his goodbyes. But before I go on and research more, there's one more person I need to speak to.


I knock on Tanner's door. He lived in the specific rich people part of town and it was hard to find his house. I stood at the door for a few minutes until a young woman opened the door with a surprised look on her face.

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