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WARNING: UPDATED TO BE VERY DETAILED. Don't read if you're uncomfortable my precious peeps

"Alright, sweetheart. You don't leave the perimeter of this motel. Sammy and I won't be long," Dean tells me, "I'll know."
"Yeah, whatever. I'm not going anymore, Dad," I mock him as he makes me sit on the bed.
"Let's go, Dean. See you Y/N," Sam says, a bit annoyed.

I watch as the two leave the room and could hear the door click, indicating that it was locked. I was feeling quite tired cause I didn't sleep well in the car. The mushiness of the mattress brought me a little bit of comfort and my eyes grew heavy. I lay down on the nice, cold bed and huddled myself underneath the covers. My whole body was dipping into the bed, helping my muscles relax after being so tense. I always wake up with a sore neck and aching bones whenever I sleep in the car. This was a nice change for once. The AC hit just right and I close my eyes, not even feeling the moment I fell asleep.

A couple hours later, I woke up in a sweaty mess. My entire back and neck were soaking wet from all the sweating. At least the bed wasn't completely soaked. I share my bed with Dean because Sam is too tall and often hogs the whole bed. I try not to swear while I'm asleep because there have been times that Dean also has gotten soaked. That reminds me of something interesting I saw while booking the rooms: they have quite a fancy pool. Most motels don't really come with a pool. I don't remember when the last time I took a dip inside an icy cold pool after a long day. Nowadays, it's just a semi-cold shower to clean off any dirt and blood.

I gave it a few minutes for my body to cool down before putting on a bikini I bought ages ago. I always have it in case a day like this comes. It wasn't too revealing but it hugged my body really well. I grabbed my towel and my phone and headed out to the pool. The weather was perfect for a late-night swim, even better after a good nap. There were a couple of people already there, having a little drinking party. They all politely wave at me as I set my things down on an empty chair.

"Hey! Care to have a beer with us?" one of the guys asks me, handing me a beer.
"Sure. I'm Y/N, by the way," I say, popping open the bottle.

Each one of them introduces themselves. Turns out they just recently graduated from college and are just on a road trip. We spent most of our time just chit-chatting about random things. It felt good to be inside of icy cold water and let my skin get all pruney. After a while, I exchanged numbers with one of the guys who had caught my attention. I was now left alone and the silence was rather comforting. I needed this time for myself anyway. I've been with the brothers for so long that I forget to take care of myself at times. I'm constantly worrying about them, making sure they're always 100%. After an hour of being alone, I was about to leave when I saw the Winchesters walk in, wearing their bathing suits. I must've missed a few texts or calls from them. I didn't realize how long I had been here. Dean rolled in a cooler and grabbed a cold beer out of it.

"Hey! Want some beer?" Dean chimes as he opens one.
"I'm good, Dean," I said, "when did you guys come back?"
"You didn't see the texts?" Sam says, "Like hours ago. A hunter nearby had helped us and we got the job done a lot quicker than we hoped."

*Sam's POV*
I couldn't stop staring at Y/N as she made her way towards us. Her silhouette glistened in the dim lighting. At this very moment, I wish I could just grab her and kiss her with no end. Y/N was the type of girl that was always independent but once she grew to trust you, she'd act like a mother. She was always looking out for me and Dean, whether it be when we haven't slept or haven't eaten. She makes sure we're taking care of ourselves regardless of how we're feeling. She'd put us above her, all the time and I've tried to make sure she also takes of herself. All three of us just sat around in the pool, horsing around by pulling each other's legs and splashing each other.

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