December Sixteenth, Clive

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I sat boredom on my bed. A few sounds could be heard from down the hall. I had nothing better to do, so I went to check it out.

I walked out of my bed and closed the door behind me. The Professor's room was close, just down the hall. I paid no mind to Foliis's room, as she was rarely in there during the day.

I walked into the room, opening the door. The Professor wasn't at his desk.

As a matter of fact, I was kind of happy. That let me listen to the conversation from down the hall sooner.

"We have a problem!" Flora's voice reached her ears.

"What is it?" Faith's question followed.

"The cat!"


"The Professor may disapprove!"


"But Luke would love it. Not to mention he'd be able to talk to anyone at any time."

I opened the door. "What's this about a cat?"

Flora turned away from the window and froze. A black and white cat was in her arms. "Clive!"

"Please don't tell anyone!" Faith said nervously.

"Don't worry," I laughed. "I'll see if you can keep him. I'm not a tattler."

Faith sighed in relief. "Thank you!"

"I'll see you guys later. Time to go chat with the Professor."

The 25 Days Of Christmas: Professor LaytonWhere stories live. Discover now