December Twenty Fourth, Clive

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I was wrapping a box. It was supposed to be for my Secret Santa person (Foliis), but it was currently just an empty box.

I scribbled something down on a piece of paper before placing it into a small box and wrapping it. I put box inside of box so a huge cardboard box sat on my desk. Four little boxes were inside, each one wrapped to perfection.


I turned around to see Foliis standing in the doorway. 

Please say she didn't  see me wrapping her gift.

"That's a big box," Foliis commented, eyeing her present.

"Yeah," I replied simply.

"You excited for tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yeah. I can't wait for my person to unwrap their gift." I couldn't give her a hint by saying 'she.'

Foliis never missed a thing.

"I'll leave you alone with your big box," Foliis said, walking out of the ddorway.

Phew. She hadn't seen anything.

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