Remy catch-up...

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How you met: Y/N was on their way to work. They currently work at Starbucks. Once they got there they immediately got to work and they already had to deal with jerks. So they were already tired and put their head down then they heard someone come in. They let out a small silent sigh and lifted their heads and did their normal greeting."Good afternoon, what can I get you?" "Yea can I get a green tea?" (Just so you know I've never been to Starbucks.) "Of course." You gave him his drink after a few minutes and he went on his way.

You meet again: Y/N' s shift ended and they just wanted to get home but of course they got a coffee first. They got their coffee and started walking home, they were just drinking their coffee and not looking where they were going. Then they suddenly bumped into someone falling and getting their coffee all over themselves. "I'm s-so so-sorr-y!" You said. "It's fine." The stranger said Y/N looked up to see it was that guy that came and got a drink earlier that day. You got up and took off the sweater that you were wearing thank God it didn't get on your shirt. Y/N and that guy who now they knew his name which his Remy went to get more coffee and went for a walk in the park.

Their favorite spot to kiss you: Hair. Remy likes to then proceed to place his chin on your head and other times he just smells your head because he always says it smells like coffee or sweets.

Name in each other's phones.

His: Starbucks love🙃🙂

Yours: My main bitch😎😘😂

Promise rings:

Promise rings:

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Couples tattoos:

Couples tattoos:

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How you sleep:

You both usually cuddle while watching movies/shows which then you both proceed to fall asleep on the couch

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You both usually cuddle while watching movies/shows which then you both proceed to fall asleep on the couch.

Their favorite outfit on you:

Their favorite outfit on you:

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He thinks the top is funny. That's it.

Pet(s) you get:

What did you name her? ( I would name her fluffy

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What did you name her? ( I would name her fluffy.)

Their favorite thing about you: Your entire face. He loves to just stare at your face when you're around him. He usually is too busy focusing on your face that he won't even hear or listen to what you're wearing.

Couples theme song:

Born this way- Lady Gaga. It's not a love song but hear me out, it's stuck in my head.

Their morning text to you: Get up Bitch!!! We're going to McDonald's.( This was sent to you at 1:00pm.)

A/N: I'm so happy this garbage preference book got over 100 reads.Yay!💝🙃

Word Count: 450

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