What you do on dates...

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Roman: You love to go to a nice restaurant and then go for a walk in the park afterwards.(I know it's not original.) 

Logan: Logan making food for you and you both talking about books you've read or something like that.

Patton: Pet store. With all the kitties and puppies. Even if you have to stop Patton from trying to steal one of them. You always say the same thing " We already have a dog!"

Virgil: You both prefer to stay at home 8n Virgil's room because why socialize. You and Virgil just go on social media and chat with each other.

Janus: Janus always takes you for nice long walks and chats with you. Or you both play with you guys pet snake (Insert snake name).

Remus: The bar or a male strip club. Take your pick.

Remy: Starbucks. You go to Starbucks and drink coffee. You amend Remy then go to a cliff or something to look at the stars. (Or really just do anything that doesn't involve going home.)

A/N: I'm sorry it took all day to update. I've just been busy sleeping and ignoring life and all. Bye💝.

Word count: 198.

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