When you have a nightmare...

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Roman: Y/N awoke from a nightmare in a cold sweat, screaming. Which caused Roman to wake up and asked what's wrong, after all he had to protect his royalty. They told him they had a nightmare and he asked what it was about but they refused to tell him. So he just cuddled them all night and sang sweet songs to them and kissed their head after every song.

So it would consist of…

- Y/N being legit terrified 

- Roman holding them protective

- Cuddles

- Sweet songs

- Head kisses

Logan: Y/N jolted awake from what they think is possibly the worst nightmare they ever had. They immediately woke Logan up and told him that they had a nightmare. Logan said that there is nothing that can hurt them and that Y/N is completely safe. So Y/N went back to sleep but not before cuddling up to Logan for safety.

So it would consist of…

- Y/N freaking out 

- Logan being woken up

- Y/N saying that they had a nightmare

- Logan saying that nothing can hurt you and that you're safe

- Cuddles for safety

Patton: Y/N woke up screaming their lungs out, which caused Patton to wake up also screaming. Patton asked if they saw a creepy crawly death dealer, but they told him that it was a nightmare. He basically attacked them with hugs/cuddles and kisses. To make Y/N feel even better he said a lot of dad jokes.

So it would consist of…

Both screaming 

Patton basically almost cried

Cuddles and kisses

Him asking if you saw a creepy crawly death dealer 

Dad Jokes

Virgil: Y/N woke up clutching their shirt, gasping for air. Virgil was already up watching conspiracy. So he immediately asked Y/N what happened but then realised they must've had a nightmare. Virgil grabbed and hugged Y/N, he then tried to get Y/N to breathe properly. When they calmed down they thanked Virgil, he kissed their cheek and said " No problem." They both watched conspiracy for the rest of the night.

So it would consist of…

Y/N gasping for air getting Virgil' s attention

Virgil knowing it was a nightmare 

Virgil hugging them and calming their breathing

Watching conspiracy 

Not sleeping for the rest of the night.

Janus: Y/N  dozed off while they were watching a movie and Janus decided to let them sleep and brought them to bed and then went to make supper. Not even 5 minutes later, Y/N woke up crying and calling(yelling) for their snek boyfriend. Janus ran upstairs and immediately realised they had a nightmare. Y/N got up and ran to their snek boyfriend and hugged him, he brought them back to bed and rubbed their head until they stopped crying and fell back asleep.

So it would consist of… 

Y/N usually falling asleep during a movie or something

Janus bringing them to bed while he goes and make a supper

Waking up crying and screaming for Janus 

Him immediately realising they had a nightmare

Janus brings them back to bed and rubs their head until they fall asleep.

Remus: Y/N woke up, they knew their nightmare would stay with them all day but they just didn't want anyone to know. But remus knew as soon as he saw them. Remus burst through the door and hugged Y/N not letting go, They realised that he must've knew they had a nightmare. But how? So to calm Y/N down he said ever thought that came to his head which made them giggle and they felt better.

So it would consist of…

Y/N always waking up in the morning, never the night.

Remus bursting into the room

Him somehow already knowing they had a nightmare 

Remus hugging them and not letting go

Him saying every single thought that comes into his head, which does calm Y/N down.

Remy: A while after Y/N started dating Remy they don't sleep. They're always out with him 24/7. So they don't have nightmares, what they do have is coffee and a sassy coffee obsessed boyfriend. (I'm not sorry).

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update I've just been procrastinating and I've been lazy. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye💝.

Word count:724.

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