Roman x reader (Fluff)

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Y/N was going to an and Roman was really hoping they would get the part. So he could watch his fairest perform and have fun. Y/N went off to their audition and Roman stayed home.

Time skip brought to you by Roman's ego...

Y/N came home and Roman rushed over to them. " Did you get the part, my fairest!?" He asked hoping for a yes. " No, I almost did but then this other person came on and did even better than me. Honestly, they deserved it." Y/N replied. " But, you know what would make me feel better? If I had food, cuddles and disney movies. If I don"t have this soon i might vanish!" They added and Roman immediately ran to the kitchen and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave, and well that was popping he went to the DVD shelf and grabbed all the Disney movies. "Pick your favorite." He said as he went to make another bag of popcorn. Y/N chose f/d/m. They told Roman, he came in surprisingly not running and putting it in the DVD player and paused it. Y/N went upstairs to change and when she came back down, she was surprised to see roman on the couch awaiting his fairest. The bowl of popcorn was on the coffee table and Roman had the remote in hand ready to play the movie. They walked over to Roman and down on his and cuddled up to him.

Time Skip brought to you by CUTENESS!!!

It's currently 2am and Y/N has fallen asleep and Roman looked at them in aww. He was happy he could help them feel better and he was also tired. So he brought them into their shared bedroom and put Y/N in the bed and got into his pj's and cuddled with them for the rest of the night. They also pretty much slept most of the day.

A/N: This was requested by @TheRemySanders .Thank you for the request. It was really fun writing this. I'm sorry that it was so short but I ran out of ideas. Still I hope you guys liked it and if you did request another sanders sides x reader one shot on the request page, which is right before this chapter. Bye 💝.

Word Count: 392.

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