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We're signing the papers when we heard the front door opening, a few chuckles can be heard from there.

JO : "I guess they've arrived."

Soon after I saw two girls coming in.

JA : "Welcome home :)" Mr. Yoo went to greet the two of them with a hug.

JO : "Nayeon-ssi this our daughters."

NY : "Annyeong I'm Im Nayeon :)"

SY : "Annyeong Yoo Seoyeon :) I'm the middle child."

SG : "And I'm Yoo Seungyeon, I'm the eldest. Nice to meet you :)"

JO : "She's going to be your sister's tutor."

SG : "Omo I hope Kyungwanie behaves herself."

SY : "Unnie don't call her that you know she hates when we call her that."

SG : "Hahaha it's her birth name nothings wrong in calling her that. Right dad?"

JA : "Arraso, Seoyeon can you call your sister so we can send Nayeon home for today."

SY : "Hai..."

Seoyeon unnie went upstairs while Seungyeon unnie sat next to me.

SG : "If she gives you any kind of trouble please tell me, I'll gladly whip her ass for you."

NY : "Thank you haha but is it really necessary to do that?"

SG : "You'll see once you meet her, she's the brat you'll wish you never met."

NY : "Ohh..."

SG : "Haha but don't worry she's a big softy too. It's just she's 70 % brat, stubborn and annoying and the rest is good."

NY : "I guess I have to rely on that 30% then :)"

SG : "Maja hahaha you already look like a perfect match for her."

I heard the door screeching, then I saw Seoyeon unnie coming done.

SY : "I can't believe you went back to sleep at this time of the day? It's almost sunset."

SG : "I guess the devil is here hahaha." She said as she looks at me. "Kyungwanie!!! Don't make people wait for you."

JY : "Unnie! I told you not to call me that, especially in front of someone else."

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing, that's why Yoo sounded familiar, and her sisters they look exactly alike. It was just her dad...

 It was just her dad

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