D.A.N.C.E (Welcome Party Pt. 1)

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          I bounced myself off of the door and began scurrying around the room and my closet for an outfit. I wanted something that would make me look both approachable (so I could make as many connections as possible), but cool at the same time (so I could be the friendly badass type for my first impression). Eventually, after ALOT of thinking, I came up with this:

          The black from neck to toe gave off the slight "don't fuck with me" vibe, while meanwhile the jean jacket gave off the "sweet summer girl" vibe

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          The black from neck to toe gave off the slight "don't fuck with me" vibe, while meanwhile the jean jacket gave off the "sweet summer girl" vibe. "I just found the perfect combination!", I thought while practically beaming with joy.
          I quickly pranced over to the bathroom mirror to wash off my face and touched up my makeup, excited for the night ahead. Once I was all done I looked into the mirror and hyped myself up a little, practicing introducing myself to other people.
"Who am I you ask? I'm Anna fricking Nikkō!" I shouted. I swear, just as I said that, I heard some dude giggling at me. I ran to my door at sonic speed to kick their sorry ass, but I was soon to find out no one was there anymore. God, pray it was someone like Kaminari who I've already met. That wouldn't have quite been the first impression I was going for tonight.
          I brushed off my shoulders and the skirt of my dress. "Get ready!" I hyped myself up a little in my head this time. No way I was going to make that same mistake twice. I then walked down the hallway, getting closer and closer to the loud music that was playing. Getting closer to the best night of my life.
~~~~~~~~~~~Cue the music I put in the beginning~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Oiiii Newby! What took ya sooo long?" I blushed a little at the obviously drunk Kaminari's words. I didn't really like being called newby. It brought me back to when I was bullied in elementary school, which I had only remembered in that moment. Though it made me visibly uncomfortable, I guess it helped to give me back a memory. Suddenly, I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel hands wrap around my waist swaying to the music, trying to get me to move. I looked up, Kaminari must be the one behind me seeing as though he's no longer in front of me. "Ya know, I wouldn't call you that if you just told me your actual name for once." He whispered, leaning into my shoulder. I was even more uncomfortable now. He's just drunk. That's it. I turned around and pushed him off me.
"Anna... I'm Anna. Anna Nikkō!" I yelled as I ran to go get some spiked punch. After that, I could use a drink. I ladled some into a red cup and started chugging it down.
"Woah there buckeye!" I took the cup down from my face to see some red spiky-haired boy, obviously trying to get me to slow down. Bold of him to assume I can't take liquor. He took the cup out of my hands and placed it on a nearby table. I pouted a little. "Believe me, you don't want your first impression with everyone to be a drunk one."
"You speak as though you're warning from experience." I laugh a little.
"Eh, maybe a couple of times." My eyes widen a little. I know I haven't been talking to him for a long time but, he just seemed so innocent. He held out his hand and bowed like it was the olden days. "Eijirou Kirishima, at your sober acquaintance madam."
"Anna Nikkō," I royally announcing, placing my hand in his liking where this skit was going. "Or, as SOMEBODY already nicknamed me, newby." He let out a little chuckle and straighten his back, relaxing the grip on my hand so he was just holding it normally now.
"Don't worry, I think that's kind of a lame nickname." He smirked. "Wanna go get our groove on?"
"Hell yeah!" I could tell me and him we're gonna be great friends.
About 15 minutes after jumping around with Kirishima on the dance floor, I slip away to go get some punch, and picked the unspiked one under the redheads recommendation. I turn my head as I see someone in the corner of my eye. There's a split haired boy in the darkest corner of the party, one leg on the wall, just staring at me. After he notices I'm staring back, he turns to look at the people dancing, looking almost annoyed. I'm guessing parties aren't really his thing, and head over to talk to him.
I lean my back against the wall, one leg on it like him, and look in the same direction, staring* at the group of people dancing. I take a sip out of my red cup, preparing to make the first move in starting a conversation since he's obviously not going to.
"This can't be fun for you." He stays quiet at my remark, just glancing at me and turning back towards the crowd. Not even a slight difference of the look on his face. I'm really gonna have to try hard, huh? I sigh. "Let me guess, you're the type of guy who's really quiet and calm no matter what, but can be tough in the right situations. The type of guy who hides his emotions from everyone because he's to scared of the emotions himself. The mysterious secret type girls dig" I took another sip out of my cup and put it back down to my side to see him staring at my with wide eyes now. He looks a little bit like a deer in headlights, and I giggle a little. "Damn, I really got you figured out that quickly, huh?" I sarcastically question.
"I'm a little surprised myself. Usually no one can 'get me figured out'." He leans back on the wall, back into his normal ways, and I return to mimicking that.
"Ah, so I'm finally worthy of getting a word out of you." I sarcastically mention. "Does that mean I'm worthy of your name too?"
"Only if I get yours in return." He leans over getting closer to my face. He's so intimidating it gives me chills, but I keep my cool.
"It's a deal!" I playfully shout in his face a little, and he lets out a little laugh calling me childish.
"Shouto Todoroki. Your turn."
"Anna Nikkō," I smile I little bit, moving to block his view of the dance floor. "I'm also known as newby though." He frowns a little after hearing this.
"Kaminari always makes the worst of nicknames for people."
"I guess so... Wait! By any chance could you introduce me to a girl named Ochaco Uraraka? Recovery Girl said to talk to her, but I have no idea who she is." I ask. A mischievous smirk slowly creeps up on his face. This can't be good
"Sure, but you know, everything has its price right?"
"What do you want Todoroki?" I lower my head so my eyes look scary and my tone becomes annoyed. He leans into my face, almost to the point where his nose touches mine.
"Your number could be a good start..."
1215 words
This chapter ended cheesy but it gets good, don't worry. See ya!

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