First Day Jitters

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"Anna..." I hear a soft whisper call out. My vision is set into this black room, I can't hardly see anything. I just feel it, it's cold and wet. "Anna..."
"Hello??" I ask. Suddenly, some kind of light switches on, making the entire room turn white, and nearly blinding me. As I look up, taking the hand off of my eyes that was blocking the light, I see a black, faceless figure in front of me. Almost like a silhouette, or a shadow, and it looks like a woman.
"Anna?! Where are you pumpkin? Anna?!" I stay silent after the figure yells this, the voice echoing through the empty room. It's turning in every direction except for where I'm at. It's like I'm not even there in the first place. I reach my hand out to touch the shoulder of the figure, but as I do, it turns into something like sand and evaporates into the air.
             My alarm beeping and vibrating under my pillow causes me to spring up from my slightly disturbing dream and I curse the phone a little before deciding to get out of bed.
I immediately jumped out of my bed and scratched my head, only to realize that I forgot to do my hair last night and entireties of rats nests filled my hair in tangles.
"oH fUcKkKk" I complained. Brushing this out was not going to be easy. I hate long hair. Still, I sat on the bathroom counter and brushed it all out. Then, I did the normal morning things (brush teeth, take a shower, etc.), but after all of that was done, I had to rearrange a playlist to walk to class today.
I'm practically a music FREAK. I can name almost any song and it's artist in the first five seconds it plays. My mind is basically the sound hound app, just a giant library that recognizes songs. I also have the thought about how much music effects your mood constantly. That's why I need to have a great playlist for the first day of school. Once that's done, I grab my earbuds and my phone, then start to head out the door.
.................................................Cue the music...................................................
As I'm almost out the building, undisturbed and jamming through my earbuds, when I feel a hand place itself on my shoulder. I was fully concentrated on my feet moving to the beat of the song, so this hand caused me to jump and turn around pretty frantically. When I did though, it turns out it was just Kaminari trying to get my attention. I then realized my music had been up so loud I could barely hear anything else, and pulled my earbuds out.
"Jesus Kaminari! You scared the crap out of me, haha!!" We both laughed for a minute.
"Hey, whatchu listening to anyway? It must be good if you're blasting it that loud."
I hand him the left earbud, and I put the right one in my ear. Now both of us are just jamming as we walk to class. Along the way, we bust out some pretty funky dance moves (especially Kaminari, he fell a couple of times) and bursts of our laughter could be heard throughout the courtyards.
Soon, we were approaching the main school building, and my eyes widened as adrenaline rushed through my veins. I never thought it to be this intimidating. Maybe it's just because this is a really special school, or it's just me, but I was the most nervous person in the world for a split second. I yanked my earbuds out, also yanking Kaminari's, and my jaw dropped as I blankly stared at the school in front of me.
"OW What the fuck Ann- Ooooohhhh" He said realizing what was happening inside my head. Suddenly, he patted my shoulder with his left hand, standing to my right, trying to offer reassurance. "Don't worry. Everybody gets first day jitters but, trust me, it's not NEARLY as intimidating as it looks. Well maybe expect for math... that class is really difficult!!" I giggle hearing the frustration in his voice. I give a slight nod and we both start walking towards my new prison for the next school year.
A sad thing I realize with every step I take: I didn't try nearly as hard as everyone else to get here. I just happened to be here by mistake, when a lot of these people could've spent their whole lives trying to get to where I am right now: walking to the hero course. As we walk through the halls, Kaminari shows me where the lockers and bathrooms are, where all of the different classes are, and where the cafeteria is. He says they all come here for lunch break, but I don't think that place will really be my scene when I finally have a chance to get away from all of the chaos. Then, all of the things he says gets drowned out by the thought I had before.
"Do you think I deserve to be here?" I say outfront. What the actual fuck? How is he supposed to respond to that? Dumb question. Act like nothing happened, hope that he didn't hear you. Then he stopped walking and put both his hands on my shoulders, turning me towards him.
"Listen, you may have joined late and yeah you haven't been through everything we have and..."
"Get to the point bolt..." I say. His eyes widened a little at hearing my his new nickname, but he quickly shook his head and got back to what he was saying.
"Butttt... we were all watching you when Aizawa was doing the orientation tests on you, and you're a lot better than most of us. For that, yes, you deserve to be here." I smile and nod. Especially coming from a student of the hero course, I needed to hear those words to muster up the courage for stepping inside the classroom.
As we slid open the door and I shoved my earbuds and phone into my pocket. All eyes were on me, of course. Me being anti-social under stress like this, I just asked Aizawa where my seat was. Let's just get this over with. He pointed right next to Shinsou, behind Midoriya. What kind of seating chart- you know what, it's UA. I'm not even gonna ask. The bell rings as I take my seat, and class starts.
Aizawa sleepily walks up to the podium, in his sleeping bag. His dark circles are definitely more visible in the morning, when he hasn't had any coffee yet. Then he gestures a hand towards me, making my heart sink. I don't need an opportunity to make a fool of myself.
"As most of you already know, we have a new student joining us today." He mentions unenthusiastically. "Why don't ya come and introduce yourself?"
1154 Words // Also, here's a sloppy seating arrangement:

 "Why don't ya come and introduce yourself?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1154 Words // Also, here's a sloppy seating arrangement:

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