Chapter Four

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Lucy's Pov

It is so hot! This island is killing me! Natsu's even sweating a little bit and to make it even worse. It's raining. You think the rain could cool us down a little bit but it's not that kind of rain. It's that kind that sticks too your skin annoyingly and makes you feel really sticky! I sigh out loud I would summon Horologium but I don't want to waste any magic energy.

"So how excactly are we going to find this monster if we don't know where it is or what it looks like" I said ringing out my hair.

"and we don't know where any villages are" Gajeel added.

Erza stopped making everyone else freeze where they were standing . I guess she was trying to think of a plan on where to go and what to do. She cleared we throat getting ready to command orders "Alright we will look as a group today just to familiarize ourselves with the island then tomorrow we will split up okay?"

"Aye!" We all shouted pumping our fists in the air.


Normal Pov

The group has been searching and searching for any signs of other humans or creatures but have not found a trace. The rain has finally stopped but the blazing heat hasn't leaving most of the team sweating and exhausted. Natsu was in the front of the group his hands behind his head taking big steps, Happy was flying right next to him they were talking about how hungry they were. Natsu could definitely go for a sandwich right now. Lucy was dragging a little behind them taking sluggish steps because of the heat she was annoyed because of Happy telling her "Thats what you get for being fat" that earned him a slap on the head. Levy and Gajeel were a little further back jabbering about how pretty the sunset was. Well mostly Levy was saying that.. Gajeel more listening. Erza and Gray were the caboose they wanted to take in everything which made them "EXTREMELY SLOW" As Natsu puts it.

"Wait.." Natsu said putting his hand in a 'stop' motion "I smell something strange.." He sniffed the air and started coughing the smell was rancid like a mix of venom and silk.

"What is it Natzu?" Happy asked flying closer to his pink haired friend.

"Ah, I'm not sure I think it-" Lucy flung into Natsu making them both topple over. There in front of them was a giant spider. Lucy was sure gonna hate fighting this thing.

Gajeel and Levy were facing the spiders front, Natsu, Lucy and Happy were on the right of it and Erza and Gray on the left. Everyone took on fighting stances. Of course, Natsu was the first one to take off using his 'Head on' attack.

"Fire Dragons Roar!" He shouted fire spewing out of his mouth making contact with the spider. It just jumped. Yes jumped, out of the way not taking any damage. Levy was behind Gajeel who was already attacking.

I swear I have read something about this but what!?

"Cmon Levy think harder!" She whispered to herself. She looked back up at the spider that was pretty badly damaged from the attacks it had taken on by almost all the group but still had strength. She noticed the light green ooze dripping out of its fangs and onto the damp ground. Click.

"Guys! Don't let the green ooze touch you if it does even a little drop can kill you!" Levy shouted everyone nodded but the shouting attracted the spiders attention to the bluenette. Noticing Levy got prepared to fight. The spider leaped for her but she repelled it.

"Solid Script: Hole!" One of the spiders legs gets stuck in the hole making it wiggle trying to get free giving everyone enough time to attack it.

"Requip! Heavens Wheel!" Thousands of swords came swarming at the spider but not few pierced the skin others touched it then fell. "Damn, tough skin.." Erza murmured requiping again.

The spider finally wiggled its leg out of the hole and came sprinting for Gray. "My turn!" He yelled "Ice make: Floor!" The floor turned to ice making the spider and Natsu fall to the floor.

"Watch it Snow cone!" Natsu yelled regaining his composure "Gajeel lets go!" Gajeel and him both started running full speed mouths fueled with fire and iron.

"Iron Dragons-"

"Fire dragons- "


Both attacks shot at the struggling spider making it fall and let out an ear piercing screech. Lucy who was a little farther back snapped back into reality realizing it was her turn.

"Open! Gate of the maiden! Virgo!"

"Punishment time, princess?" Virgo asked. Lucy huffed and pointed too the spider.

"No! Just get rid of it!"

Virgo nodded and dove into the dirt soon she popped up on the other side of the spider and the Earth began to crack. Virgo nodded and Lucy smiled then she closed her gate. The Earth finally caved in making the spider drop but it spit some light green ooze heading in the direction of Levy.

"Levy-chan look out!" Lucy shouted but was too late it was already coming towards her. Gajeel ran as fast as he could to get to her but never made it. He and Levy ended up getting hit by the green ooze making them shriek in pain.

"L-levy-chan!" Lucy shouted running towards her the rest behind her. "L-levy! Gajeel! it's okay w-we can help you!" Levy screamed again holding the places the ooze hit which was near her chest. Near her heart.

Gajeel didn't want to seem weak but, Jeez it hurt like hell. He just clenched his teeth and eyes shut and cursed at the wind. Gray and Natsu was trying to help him but he knew better. Levy told him one drop could kill him. He Was covered in a handful of it. He shifted his gaze to Levy who also got hit she was screaming and crying he hated himself that he couldn't help her. He scooted closer to her and grabbed her hand. They both laid on the ground the acidic green ooze burning away their flesh and their lives but, it didn't matter to him. He was dying next to the person he loved he cherished. The thought made him smile then he closed his eyes welcoming death with open arms.

"L-Lu-chan.." Levy said weakly hissing at the burning sensation all over her body.

"I'm here Levy-chan I'm here!" Lucy said gripping her other hand.

"G-Gajeel?" Lucy looked over to Gray and Natsu who sadly shook their heads. It made more tears come out of Levy and Lucy's eyes. Levy squeezed her hand once more then closed her eyes letting out a final breathe.

"n-no.. Levy-chan?" Lucy shouted shaking her shoulders but they started shimmering and fading away Gajeels body did the same. "No! Levy! Don't!" She yelled grabbing what was left of her. Natsu grabbed her arms pulling her away from Levys fading body then pulled her into a tight hug.

Levys Pov

"Agh" I said rubbing my head I looked around where I was at. Wait.. I'm dead I think. "Hello?" I shout

"Levy!" Someone shouts it sounds like Gajeel! I start running toward the voice hoping it was Gajeel. I was full on sprinting now lost in my thoughts when I turn the corner and hit someone's chest. I look up and smile


"Shrimp!" He yells wrapping his arms around me. Its weird he's never this lovey with me. I'm still curious on where we are its like a building but there's no windows.. Its defiantly not an after life because an after life is not this.. How do I put it.. Life like.

"Are we dead Gajeel?" I say pulling away looking him in the eye. He shrugs his shoulders and smirks.

"Ah.. Look at the two love birds" We both jerk our heads to see the voice appearing out of the shadows. "You two aren't dead.. oh no.." The mysterious man just smirks and walks closer to us. Gajeel steps in front of me protectively one hand in mine keeping his stance.

"You Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden are just mine."

SO UH HOW WAS IT? I'm so tired but I really wanted to write this so yeah

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