The bar

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"Okay then All for One. What are the plans and how am I getting a quirk?"
"First. I need to ask you. Have you ever had a dark feeling that makes you feel powerful and takes over you like a void of darkness?"
"What a question..... Yes. Yes, I do"
"Have there ever been times where it has consumed you and you lose control?"
"Yes. Yes I have"
"Tell me about one of those experiences"
"Hm. Let me see. I was once harassed on a street by a gang of middle-aged men. I warned them. They laughed. I beat them all up in about 15 minutes. Then I piled them into an alleyway so no one knew it was me. Then I went on with my day"

Tomura's pov
No way. How? He's 15.... I don't know how this is going to work out. It's like we are asking a psychopath to become master's protege. But then again, i can't really talk.... but i don't think I even compare to him.
"Hm. How old were you?" master asked.
"How many were there exactly?"
"Let me see.... 6"
"Now describe it in more detail"

Deku's pov
I huff. "Fine"
I don't see why I am tell-.... well.... I guess he wants to know exactly who he is asking to be a protege.
"I was walking to school and decided to take a quicker route so I would be early to school. Then I was going to try to walk past the 6 middle-aged looking men when one purposely shoved me and blocked my way. I said ,"I am sorry Sir, but can you please move, I need to get to school ,". He pushed me again and it turned out, that he knew I was quirkless. He insulted me and then the rest of them followed suit. Another pushed me to the ground so I stood up and said ,". I suggest you stop pushing me around and insulting me, otherwise someone may get hurt,". They laughed and said ," What is some quirkless fucking kid gonna do, huh?" I warned them one more time and said ," Sir, stop. Otherwise, I will have to force you to,". They all just laughed in my face and circled me. "We're going to teach this little brat a lesson, won't we boys?" the first one said. They all grunted in response and surrounded me. I responded with, "I warned you,". That's when the darkness took over. It was so..... filling, and then I stood up and dodged a punch. It came from the initial man, I maneuvered myself next to his arm and swung his body over my head using that arm. I then sensed a kick coming for my right leg and grabbed it, I spun the leg around and threw. Then a punch came for face. Unfortunately, I did not dodge that and it hit my jaw. Somehow, the darkness inside me was pulsing even more and I was infuriated. "You'll pay for that," I said. Then without hesitation, I kicked him in the nuts and hit his head. I had 3 down and 3 more to go. There was one who seemed slightly scared and anxious, I obviously used this to my advantage and picked him up and threw him to the ground. The two remaining guys both threw punches at the same time but I caught both with my hands and pushed them into each other. They were all still conscious but were barely moving so I punched each one in the head so that they would all be knocked out. I piled them into a near back alley and went to school. Luckily, there were no witnesses because this quick route was through the abandoned part of town. I went on with my day as normal"
When I finished telling them all, I noticed the sheer shock they all had. Even All for One seemed weird through the screen.

Kurogiri's pov
There. Is. No. Way.

Tomura's pov
How. On. Earth. Is. This. Possible.

All for One's pov
This is my protege all right. "I have three questions for you, Izuku Mydoria."
"Sure, All for One. Fire away"
"1. You described actions that would need strength for. Yet you have a flimsy body. Explain."
"Oh. Ever since i was 11, i started to work out. You see I wear clothes in a way so that it LOOKS like I dont have any muscles but..." he pulled up his shirt to reveal a six-pack and then pulled up a sleeve to show a very muscular arm.
"Oh" Tomura said. I almost laughed. He must be very confused. "Ah" Kurogiri responded. He seemed to be shocked too.
"Good to know. 2. I thought you wanted to be hero. So why don't you act like it?"
"A good question, machinery man. I was always had this dark side. I always suppressed it. The reason why I was an All Might fan boy, is well, because I clung onto the idea of being a pro hero like him. I tried too hard trying to be something I wasn't. That's why I knew that when All Might told me I couldn't be a hero without a quirk, that it was a wake up call. The truth is I was always debating whether I should become a villain or not. The only reason i tried avoiding it, is because of the pain my father put me through BECAUSE he was a villain. Everytime that Kachaan bullied me,ya know, beat me up, insult me and suicide bait me, I wondered, what would it be like? To do something that people tell you not to. So, everytime something like what i told you would happen, I would take the chance to embrace it. Because, let's face it, I find it fun. I find it fun to prove others that were wrong about me for the past 10 years. That's why I clung onto the idea of being a hero for so long."
"Listen kid. I know we may not seem friendly and you think villains are assholes..... but we are here if you need us" I told him. This kid is hurting and I don't blame him for the image he has of villains, especially since I know that his father is a villain and doesn't care about him.
"Woah woah woah! I hate this sappy stuff! Can you just not pity me?! Its disgusting! Christ. What was y-"
He cut off by tomura.
"Listen kid. I know what it's like to-"
"You don't know shit! And I don't need your fucking pity! Listen, I can fend for myself. Since my father left, my mother has never been the same. She started to overeat, drink, smoke and come home late. Sure she always made me food and did the chores even though I insisted she shouldn't, but the truth is that she was never really there for me. So I learned how to live without anyone there for me. Then when Kacchan started to bully me for having no quirk since the age of four, I never felt more alone. I was beat up everyday and told that the world would be better without me. So whenever I was about to take Kachaan's advice and kill myself, this darkness pushed me forward and away from suicide. Now, I would rather not have any of your pity and seem vulnerable in front of you so what was you last question?"
He had a hint of sadness in his voice. One that most people wouldnt see. I felt bad.
"Before that... do you have some kind of act you put up, ya know.... saying that you are sweet, innocent Izuku. And that you are too scared to even punch someone?" I asked, I was still distracted. Makes sense why he doesn't like any of us.... he probably hates everyone.
"Yes... In fact, this act I put up has saved me from being arrested, multiple times. You see, this act, stops people from even considering that I did anything less than lawful, even if they saw me do it right in front of them. It is honestly hilarious sooooo...... anyways, questions?"
"If I can intervene? How did you start out researching about your father? And when did you first get yourself involved with an incident?" Kurogiri intervened.
"Well it was at the same time really. It all started when I was 11..."

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