The U.A. Entrance Exam (teacher's pov)

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No pov
All the teachers were in the control room. They gossiping about the candidate from the lecture hall. They were all intrigued by this boy, however All Might seemed distant when he saw the boy's face. Which confused most of the teachers, including Nezu. They were chatting waiting for Mic and for the exam to start when a few teachers noticed an Ochako Uraraka hyperventilating.

Nezu's pov
Poor girl. I should ask someone to go help her.
"Hey, Shota, can you go and-"
That's when a green haired boy, walked over to her. That was the same boy from before, and that's Tenya Iida, seemingly stopping him. This Mydoriya boy brushed him off and calmed the girl down. I like this boy already. When Present Mic walked in, he was instanly on guard. It says here in his file, that his quirk was updated a few months ago as Quirkless to Enhanced. So he's a late bloomer, his quirk manifested late. That must mean he has only had a few months to train his quirk, whereas everyone else has had their whole lives to train. I want to see how he does. He intrigues me. That's when Mic shouted 'Gooo!'. I suspected that everybody would be thrown off but Izuku Mydoria sped off and reacted almost right away. I like this boy. Mic stated 'What? You don't get a countdown in battle! Go follow that green-haired kid!'
"Hey, Present Mic?"
"Yah, Nezu?"
"That boy, Izuku Mydoria, he's the same one that predicted the exams and stood up to Tenya Iida, right?"
"Yeah, i really like him. I hope he makes it"
"Yes, he seems like hero material. He also calmed a girl down when she had a panic attack" i stated.
"Okay, now he HAS to pass-"
We were talking and didn't realise in the past 5 minutes, Mydoria has gained 56 points.
"Wow" i said. This kid was great.
"He has already passed the exams in 5 minutes with flying colours" Mic stated.
I glanced at All Might, his jaw was on the floor.
"He's a lot like you All Might"
"Thanks, N-nezu" he stuttered.
I can deduct from his behaviour that he has met Izuku in the past.
I looked at him, he had obviously trained hard.
10 minutes later
Wow, Izuku Mydoria has 156 points. Beating the U.A. record of 124 that was All Mights record. Wow. That's really all I can say. Just, wow. I want him. I want him in my school. He's just sitting on the building and resting. I guess he understands if he does anymore, there won't be any robots left for other students.
With 15 minutes left, i decide to release the 0 pointer.
"Okay, everyone, it's time to pull out the big guns" i say as i press the button.
Let's see how Izuku Mydoria deals with a monster like the one we have built, i think while sipping my tea.
It seems he is still on the rooftop of the building when he notices Miss Uraraka under the rock - wounded. He jumps off of the roof top and lands with a front flip. He has technique too. He runs towards her and removes the rock from on top of her and asks her if she's okay. She responds when he looks towards the robot........ He was planning to take down the 0 pointer from the start, and he had a plan too. That was the strategy he was mumbling about in the lecture hall. It was all planned from the beginning. He has similar traits to me too. Wow. He runs towards the robot and strategically climbs it and stops at the back of its neck. How did he know that was where all the significant parts of the machinery was there? He then carefully pulled out wires. However, to others it may seem random and by chance. You have to pull certain wires out, this is an advanced robot after all. He must have a vast knowledge on technology to know this. He jumped down when he was finished and examined the girl and was able to identify all of her injuries and as soon as he heard Recovery Girl he was able to co operate with her smoothly. He could already be a pro hero with his own agency with his strength, knowledge and skill. But i noticed that he had multiple wounds but wasn't showing any signs of pain. I would have assumed he was using his quirk to enhance his pain tolerance but his eyes are red when he uses it. Either, he has a naturally high pain tolerance or he has gone through sonething traumatic. Of course, Recovery Girl complements him and Uraraka (more to Izuku) then heals him, it seems she us also in a state of shock when he showed no signs of pain yet was littered with scars. Now that i think about it, looking closer at his body, which, if i may add, is ripped, he was covered in scars, and not ones from the exams. So maybe i was right, he has been through sonething traumatic. Well, that is a discussion for another time, as soon as he enters the school, i want to play chess with him. He seems like a worthy opponent with his knowledge and skill.

All might's pov
Young Midoriya. I am so sorry for crushing your dreams that day, but lookat at you now, already Pro Hero material. I hope that you forgive me one day.

Mic's pov

Midnight's pov

Aizawa's pov
This kid has some real potential.

No pov
This is when they had already accepted that this kid would be the future. For better, or for worse.

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