The bar (part 2)

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"It all started when I was 11, I was used to my mother always coming late and smelling like cigarettes or weed, and I was curious. I was curious about my father. About where he was. What he was doing. Why he hasn't visited. Why my mother avoids talking about him. Everything. So I searched up : Midorya.
Since i didn't know his first name at the time, i just browsed the internet. After hours and hours of research, i found a short article in a newspaper that seemed to be from the U.S.A. , it said Hisashi Mydoria. It said that someone saw him during one of the crime investigations based on him. I became intrigued. You may not know this, but i am actually quite decent at hacking the USA's national security and finding out all the information i needed. After all, i am the the top info broker/hacker since you are probably too dumb to know what it means in Japan. However at the time i was 36th. Sure it took a few days but i was a quirkless 11 year old who was curious about the father that left him. I found out that he was a murderer and a theif. Despite the information i had found out, i wanted more. So i went to my mother, and said that we should take a vacation.... to the U.S.A. We hadn't ever been on holiday abroad before so she thought it was fine. A month later, we were in the same city as the prison that had my father in it. So when my mother thought i had gone into the library, i was off being curious. She was at some bar and i was walking along the prison. A guard saw me and asked "Are you lost? Is there someone i can call for you?" I just ignored him and was next to the entrance now. He asked one more time and i punched his face. It was as if i didn't have control over it...... but it was my body. Then he stood up and reached for his pocket, most likely to call someone or pull out a gun. The darkness took over again and i was running around him in circles. He became dizzy and stumbled. I kicked his head and he fell. I looked around for security cameras, there was one, i punched it and it sent sparks flying. I climbed over the fence and ran inside. I got into the control room after sneaking and hiding around and downloaded as much information as i could. Then i found the cell my father was in. I was still under control of this darkness (by the way this 'darkness' he talks about, is just a mix of some really strong emotions and bloodlust, he is quirkless) and i punched all the nearby security cameras. Then i walked into his cell. The first thing i saw was him asleep. I punched his chest and wiped the blood i had on my hands from punching cameras on his oramge suit. He woke up startled and i pushed him against the wall and shouted at him. All the while this was happening, i couldn't control myself, i was shocked at myself for acting this way. But...... i just couldn't help being so angry. I kinda beat the crap out of him. Then the darkness faded away and i asked him about things. I asked him why he didn't visit. He said it was because he wanted to protect me. I asked him why he left my mother and me. He said it was to protect us. I asked him why he didn't contact us at all. And guess what his answer was? Hm? It was to protect us. When i finished. I said "Bullshit" and punched him one more time. The darkness was trying to take over again, most likely due to the anger and then i sneaked out of the building, changed my clothes and went in to the library as planned. And that was that"

All for One's pov
This is THE best protege i could ask for. I mean he did this at 11. 11!
"Good t-to know" Kurogiri replied.
He was obviously shaken.
"Now the question i was going to ask you is.... have you ever killed anybody?" I asked. I want to know if he has experience or not. But then again, as intimidating as he is, he IS only 15-
"Depends who you're asking for. Are you going to share this information with anybody?"
"Of course not Izuku"
Damn. A 15 year old has killed someone before, A QUIRKLESS 15 YEAR OLD HAS KILLED SOMEONE.

Tomura's pov
Oh. Mah. Gawd.

Kurogiri's pov
Girl bye.

Deku's pov
Hah. Their faces are priceless. Its shouldnt be a surprise after what i have told them
After a small giggle i said "Plans? After all, we DO need to devise a plan, do we not?"
"Of course Mydoria, but, if you dont mind me asking, how many people have you murdered-" all for one asked.
"Yes i do, and that is for me to know and for you to find out"
Ha. I have only killed like 16 people. But intimidating these villains just cracks me up.
"Ok then" Kurogiri responded.
"Ok then, so my plan is to train you up, give you All for One, you pass the UA entrance exam in 10 months, you give us information then we attack" machine guy said.
"I forgot how bad of a strategist you are" i responded.
"I-" he said but was quickly cut off by me.
"The base of your plan is good, i train, get a quirk, pass the UA entrance exam and infiltrate the school. But you forget that some of the country's future pro heroes, intellegent geniuses and all other kinds of people attend this school, as well as well trained pro heroes for teachers. We would need more than just me to be infiltrating the school. So, after passing the exam, i build trust in people around me and keep up my innocent act, get a couple of people to join us, kill a few people in a consecutive order of small attacks, then we plan a huge attack on the school and do everything we need to do."
"That- ....... is actually a better idea" All for One replied.
"Okay well, how are we going to train you?" Tomura asked.
"I am free on weekends and after school. You could show me how things work and do that kinda thing."
"Cool" Kurogiri responded.
"Anything else?"
"No not really. Wait, i just researched, Izuku.... in that alleyway, the experience you told us about when you were 13. Did you kill any of them?"
"I really am surprised you found out so quick. I guess you havent failed your jobs. Now, i need to get home now, its late. Oh and one more thing, villains?" I said as kurogiri made another teleporting hole.
"Yes?" All for One replied.
"Call me Deku" i said.
I walked into the void and was home. I walked into my mother's apartment, ate, took a shower and went straight to sleep. Yes. My name is Deku.....

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