Chapter 1

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An old, dilapidated manor stood in front of Tessa. She groaned at the very thought of going inside. Not that she really knew what to expect. But she wasn't looking forward to meeting the woman waiting for her behind the doors. Grudgingly she stepped inside and was greeted by a robed old man.

She heaved a heavy sigh and said "The Ancient One wants to see me?" 

He replied" Oh yes, she is waiting for you on the terrace," and he swept a bony arm towards rusty, old, spiral staircase.

She nodded in acknowledgement and dragged herself up the stairs to the rooftop. As she opened the door leading to the terrace, she saw the Ancient one clad in her uniform yellow robe, looking at the sky. Near her, another disciple- Tessa presumed- was working on some gizmo box machine with levers everywhere.

"Ah! Ancient One. Its been a while," Tessa said, announcing her entry.

The Ancient One turned and smiled knowingly. "Tessa! Welcome back to the New York Sanctum!"

"Yaa ... so ...Wadya want?" Tessa asked, fearing the worst.

"Well, I need to send you on an assignment. You see- "

"Ya I don't exactly work for you, so—"

"I think you should hear me out before you make a decision," the Ancient One interjected. " You see a certain someone has played with the tesseract and has created an alternate timeline that is destroying the fabric of the universe. We need you to travel to the alternated dimension and alter his mental and emotional state to match the present timeline. Once you do that, you will bring him here and merge the two."

"Okay, first of all ... are you crazy? I mean is this even possible? Do you even have the tech to do that? Secondly ... umm ... why me? Why can't one of your minions do that?"

"It must be you because you have the powers of the tesseract and our knowledge."

"Ok. News flash! I do not have the powers of the space stone. The stone gave me the power of healing. If I had the power over space, I wouldn't ask you to teach me how to make golden sparkle portals."

"Regardless of that, the power of the tesseract courses thorough your veins. Only you can sustain traveling through timelines. Besides. I believe you owe this to Frigga."

"I'm sorry - what? What does Frigga have to do with this?"

"Well the person in question is ... Loki. You must guide him towards the main timeline or the fabric of the universe will be destroyed."

"Soo... where is Loki 2.0 ?"

"In New York."

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