Chapter 4

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Tessa opened her eyes. She was on a dark red planet. "Oh my god. I'm on Mars. There's probably no atmosphere. I'm going to die any moment now."

She clutched her throat, closed her eyes and hoped for the worst. But nothing happened.

She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She was alive. "Well that's a relief. Where did these idiots zap me now?"

She heard voices as if someone was quarrelling. She loved over the boulder she leaned on.

"Stark? What's he doing here. What is going on?"

She looked around and saw a man wearing the eye of Agamotto sitting in the distance in deep thought.

"Why is he wearing bald lady's necklace? Anyway, you must know something."

She stealthily crept towards him and slammed her palm on his forehead. Images of what was to come – Thanos, the war, the snap and the war after flooded her mind.

She stood aghast taken aback from the pain she had witnessed and stumbled behind the boulder. Doctor Strange sat there motionless unable to fathom what had just happened to him. Tessa trembled behind the boulder. She peeked at Tony Stark and began to cast a safety spell on him. Blue sparks began to appear and travel towards him.

But before she could finish ...


She was back on the roof.

"Nooo!" she yelled. "why did you zap me back so soon?!" she screamed.

The Ancient One looked puzzled. "Well we seemed to have sent you to the wrong place again ..."

Tessa grabbed the Ancient One by her shoulders "Do you know. About the war. About Thanos?"

The Ancient One frowned, "I do not know what you're talking about." "Perhaps something the green one said?" she mumbled "It doesn't concern me and shouldn't concern you either, especially because you don't fight anymore."

"What? Ugh I could have saved Stark if you let me cast the spell." Tessa cried.

"You cannot alter the future with your magic! Do you not understand! We are trying to FIX the fabric of the universe" the Ancient One yelled. She grabbed Tessa's hands and red rings appeared around them.

"What are you doi---"


"Damn it. She just won't let me finish my sentences"

Tessa looked around. "I guess it worked." She was in New York alright.

Suddenly there was a large explosion. Captain America was running helping people and the Chituari army surged forward. She was back in New York 2012.

A large alien charged towards her. Tessa thrust her hands forward. Nothing happened. And then again – nothing. The red circles around her were blocked her magic. "That old lady's gonna get me killed" she thought frustrated. She grabbed a long-broken pipe and slammed it the assailant's head. Just because she didn't fight anymore didn't mean she had forgotten how to. She had learnt from the best.

Just then a blast came from behind her, killing an alien in her blind spot. She turned and saw it was tony. He took off his helmet and looked at her and said "Hey you Fury's reinforcement?" Tessa made a face. "God no! I hate that know it all."

"Well, you owe my one" Stark said. Tessa gazed at him for a minute and smiled. "I guess I do." And she pulled out a card from her pocket and handed it to him. "Call me. I'm a healer."

Tony looked at her bewildered., "Seriously did you just hand me a business card?"

Tessa smiled "Well that how the business runs!"


Tony- "Jarvis, did she just ... disappear?"

"I believe so sir"

Tony- "Huh, take note of this number will you"

"yes sir."

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