Chapter 6

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72 hours left.

Tessa had lost an entire day locating Loki and to no avail. She was still aimlessly walking on the streets of New York. Even the internet was of no use!

"This is just terrible! What am I going to do?! How will I face The Ancient One?"  4 days was already a time crunch, and now she barely had 72 hours left, and Loki nowhere in sight. This would be the first time Tessa failed in anything. "I have to do something, and quick!"

As Tessa ambled towards a curb, she heard a commanding voice – "We need to get hands on him in the next 15 minutes or he'll be gone." The familiarity of the voice intrigued her. "Where have I heard this voice before?" Sneakily, Tessa peered to see who it was.

Peeking onto the other lane on the curb, she saw none other than Director Fury and Agent Hill. Fury continued, "The effects of the LX-3000 will only last so long. After that Loki will be free to use his magic. Once he starts making his crazy ass illusions, there's no way, we'll be able to identify him."  "But Sir, Loki thinks that his magic is gone forever. So that should buy us some more time" agent Hill said. "Yeah well let's not bring in down to that." he replied dryly.

Tessa smiled coyly, "Why are all bald people so annoying? But for the first time, today, I have to thank you."


An explosion rumbled through the street. Glass shattering, people screaming in terror and sirens screeching. Fury and Hill rushed towards the blast, instructing their units to do the same. Tessa rolled her eyes and darted towards the opposite alley.

The narrow path was strewed with garbage cans, pigeons cooing and fluttering about. "Come on Lady Luck, don't let my intuition be wrong..." As she shuffled through the lane, she heard someone cursing and stomping of feet.

"Ah! Got yourself stuck in a dead end with no magic. Not the best move Loki" she said.

Drawing his knives, Loki turned to face Tessa. He narrowed his eyes. "Are you one of Fury's servants?" he demanded

"God no, I hate that guy!"

"Wait a minute I know you!"

"You do?" replied Tessa puzzled.

"An ant has no quarrel with a boot. Isn't that what you said to Odin?"

"Woow! Sharp memory! Good line though, right? You get to use it anywhere?"

"Silence. You even look the same! How is that possible?"

"Oh, ya a little time travel gone wrong. No big." said Tessa incoherently.


Fury's yelling cut him off.

"Listen. Shield is close I can help you," Tessa said

"I am the God of Mischief. I don't need help from you Earthling." Loki sneered

"You have no powers, and are stuck in a dead end with two butter knives. If anything, you are the God of Idiots. Take my hand and I'll help you" she said.

"How to you plan to do that?" Loki bantered on, reluctantly extended his arm.

Tessa grabbed and smiled. "You're not the only one Frigga taught magic"

Loki's eyes widened and, in a snap, they disappeared.

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