Making Peace

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Ezra laughed along with Sabine as Zeb went on about his experience in the belly of the beast called joopa. They were sure he was overreacting at some part and making up others but, it was a pleasant story either way.

Gregor and Rex seemed to be enjoying the story as well. Gregor had his arms behind his head as he leaned back on his chair with closed eyes and a big smile. Rex was sitting normally, slowly chewing his bite of joopa as he listened to the story smiling as well. Wolffe was missing though, the old clone had taken his plate and went to his room.

It was obvious that he didn't like the new guests. They were having such a great time though, they didn't mind.

Ezra smiled feeling lighter than he had in weeks. This was one of the rare moment in war. Enjoying a meal with those you care about. Ezra hadn't had this for years, well, at least until he met Kanan.

Speaking of which, Ezra decided to shot him a look. And that's when his smile turned into a frown. His master looked...wrong. He was tense and looking over at the clone with suspension and fear. Fear. It was a feeling Ezra rarely saw on Kanan. His master was always confident and sure, about his decisions, his actions, his self.

Ezra debated between talking to him now or waiting for later. The laughter interrupted his thoughts for a second. No, he decided, he wouldn't ruin such a great evening. Not for Kanan's odd behavior.

He kept staring at the Jedi the while evening and Kanan seemed too distracted to even notice. That's how their diner ended and they all got out to look at the sunset.

------------------Time skip----------------

Kanan couldn't sleep. His worst fears had come true. The clone with the name Wolffe had turned them in to the empire. The clone had already apologized but, Kanan knew better. He couldn't forget nor forgive. And so he couldn't rest. Not with the empire looming over their heads.

He walked around the AT-TE, patrolling the rooms they were given to stay in. He would not let them hurt the people he loved not again.

Flashbacks of Grey and Stiles kept coming and going, leaving Kanan with an unbearable amount of adrenaline, anger, fear and nostalgia which he had to channel into something else. Something useful. Walking around on the small hallway, outside their rooms in the middle of the night was useful, because that way he knew they were safe.

Ezra from the other side of the door could hear his Master's footsteps pacing back and forth on the other side. It was getting both worrying and frustrating. He remembered the talk he had with Kanan earlier. About the war, about the clones and about his Master.

Ezra knew it wasn't his place to get involved. But he understood so perfectly what Kanan was feeling. Having everyone he loved and everything he knew taken away from him. Being stripped of every kind of security or safety. Being alone and scared and blaming yourself for something you couldn't prevent from happening.

For a moment. Just a moment, he felt pain thinking of his parents and his life on the streets. The footsteps stopped right outside his door and Ezra closed his eyes and turned his back at the entrance just as Kanan typed the code in the panel.

He heard Kanan approaching him. And then his weight made the old bed move and make a very annoying noise. He felt a hand on his shoulder and opened his eyes.

Kanan was smiling sadly at him. He looked so tired. Hair was sticking out of his ponytail and dark circles were visible around his eyes.

"Hey kiddo. Did you have a nightmare?"

Ezra was at first confused with the question. Why would Kanan think-
But then he realized that Kanan must have felt the sudden pain he felt as he traveled to old memories. Ezra shook his head negativly, nightmares were not what kept him awake.

Kanan looked a little guilty as he asked the next question.

"Are you up...because of me?"

Ezra nodded as he sat up and looked at Kanan. Kanan sighed and squeezed his shoulder a little.

"I'm sorry kid I...I just...well"

Ezra held Kanan's hand on his shoulder.

"I know you're scared"

Kanan chuckled.

"I wouldn't say scared but-"

"I know you are because I was too! I-I still am"

Kanan couldn't understand what the boy was saying. But he waited for him to go on.

" lost someone important. We lost people we cared about, we lost our homes and our lives can never go back the way they were. I understand why you're scared but, you told me to let go. Let go of my past, make peace with myself and others. Those clones are not the ones who betrayed you, I know I am not the one to tell you what to do but please. Make peace with them and yourself. Because you're hurting, and I don't like seeing you in pain"

Ezra bowed his head on the last part. He was clearly kind of embarrassed to admit how much he loved Kanan, and how much he hated seeing him in pain.

Kanan was speechless. Ezra had opened up a lot more to him and the crew the last year but never that much. Never that honest.

Kanan moved his arm around the kids shoulder holding him close.

"I'm sorry I worried you Ezra. I'll try not to do it again"

Kanan said in a low voice as Ezra moved closer to him. A few moments later his weight fell on Kanan, having fallen into deep sleep. Kanan laid him down and stayed there for a moment, relishing the feeling of Ezra being asleep and him watching over him.

He wanted to look away. He wanted to go back on his night patrol but he couldn't. He just sat there on Ezra's bed, watching the kid's peaceful face and keeping the nightmares away with the force. And he didn't leave, until dawn.

Phew! That took a lot longer than I had anticipated. Thank you Harrichristy123456 for the recommendation. I hope this meets your expectations. If not...sorry. Anyway, stay safe and may the force be with you.

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