In the heat of the moment

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Kanan sat on his bed and buried his head in his hands. Another failed mission. Lately, outsmarting the Empire proved to be harder and harder. Worst part? It was not just them who suffered the consequences of their actions but all the people who were counting on them. People who needed their help.

Kanan blamed himself for the most part. He was the leader of their small rebel group and in charge of planning most of the missions. Sure, things rarely went according to plan but still...

Today's mission turned out to be worst than any other so far. Not only they didn't manage to get their hands to the cargo but also Sabine got shot. Hera reassured them that she would be alright thought and even Sabine didn't seem affected by the accident. The only thing she complained about was Hera's smothering.

No one seemed to blame him for what happened. Even Hera tried comfort him by reminding him that in their kind of job things like that happen sometimes and it's no ones fault. Sabine was just a victim of the circumstances. If anyone is to blame that's the stormtrooper. Still, it didn't make Kanan feel any better. He forced a smile, caressed her cheek for a moment and then closed himself to his room.

He hoped the crew didn't realize how close he was to loosing it back there. When Sabine got hit it was like everything had fallen apart. A member of his family had gotten hurt, they were being shot at and it was obvious that they could do nothing by retreat. While the ship was taking off and Sabine taken to the med bay he couldn't help but feel useless. His plan had not only failed but also resulted on one of their own to get hurt. He had let down everyone in almost every way possible and while nobody seemed to blame him, he couldn't help but blame himself.

Footsteps stopped right outside his door. He felt his stomach clench. He really just wanted to stay alone right now. He was already in a bad place and he couldn't trust himself to have a conversation with anyone. The door opened with a hiss and Ezra hesitantly walked in the room.

He was silent for a little and looked around the dark room before locking eyes with Kanan.

"Hera told me to get you. She said it's your time to cook"

Kanan nodded and with the most normal voice he could fake he replied.

"Tell her I'll be there in a minute"

Ezra moved his head to the side and looked at him with curiosity shining in his eyes reminding Kanan of a confused lothcat. 

"You okay?"

Kanan bit on his tongue. He really didn't want to do this right now.

"Yes, just perfect. Why don't you go tell Hera I'll be there in a minute?"

Ezra was more stubborn than that though.

"Is it about the mission?"


"Because it wasn't your fault, you know that right?"

"Ezra please-"

"And none of us thinks it's your fault"

"Give me a moment, I need-"

"And Sabine is going to be fine and-"

"Ezra what do you know about all this?! The only thing you did before we met you was steal, lie and not care about anyone but yourself! Force, times like this make me wish we had left you back on the streets where you came from"

Silence. None of them spoke. Ezra kept staring at Kanan. Surprise written all over his frozen face. Regret written all over Kanan's.


The kid moved fast and dropped himself in Kanan's arms, embracing him. Kanan taken by surprise took a step back but hesitantly wrapped his arms around the  boy.

"You're not angry?"

He felt Ezra shake his head.

"No. I know you didn't mean it"

Kanan sighed in relief and tighten his grip.

"Still, it wasn't right. I shouldn't have said that"

Ezra smiled and let go.

"No, you shouldn't have but I know you didn't mean it because I know you. And the one bad thing you ever said to me in the heat of everything going on doesn't change all the good things you have ever said and done for me. Besides, by the look of your face, I can tell you really regretted it"

Kana chuckled.

"I did"

"Ah, there you are boys. Did Ezra tell you? It's your time to cook. Is everything alright?"

Hera looked at them, smiling from the hallway. Kanan put a hand around Ezra's shoulders and led him outside.

"Everything's perfect" Kanan responded and they made their way to the kitchen.
Hera walked forward as Kanan and Ezra stayed a little behind. Kanan turned his gaze at the boy on his side. The boy that trusted Kanan so much that he didn't, not for a second, believe the words Kanan said to  him in his anger. Now isn't this amazing? Kanan smiled. It was moments like that that made being a leader of their small team was worth it.

Hey Harrichristy123456! Happy birthday! Sorry it took me so long to finish this. I hope you it meets your expectations. Let me know in the comments. Again, happy birthday! May the force be with you all!

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